Monthly Wrap Up: November 2021

Posted on December 5, 2021 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Wrap-up / 9 Comments

Welcome to my monthly wrap-up for November 2021.

November started off on a good note, as it was time for me to count down to the start of my vacation leave. I am officially on vacation after not taking any for the past two years. So, I am relaxing mostly and enjoying not having to wake up early and preparing for the stresses that come with work.

Things were going great, but then a crazy driver thought my vehicle was too shiny and pretty, so he chose to rearrange the bumper. The van was parked, not in anyone’s way, but he drove off the road, plowed into the vehicle parked in front of mine. The impact from that blow subsequently pushed the vehicle into my van. So, know I face the stress of dealing with the insurance company to get the funds needed to carry out the repairs.

I took part in the HOHOHO Readathon hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer, which took place between November 18 to 30. I read five books for the readathon.

  1. [22 Nov] All I Want from Santa by Lisa Jackson ★★★★
  2. [23 Nov] A Highland Wolf Christmas by Terry Spear ★★★★
  3. [24 Nov] Have Yourself a Merry Little Witness by Dakota Cassidy ★★★★
  4. [26 Nov] The Christmas Wedding Guest by Susan Mallery ★★★★★
  5. [27 Nov] Keep Me Warm at Christmas by Brenda Novak ★★★★★

Other books read during the month of November

  1. [2 Nov] Second Chance Christmas by Lori Wilde ★★★★
  2. [5 Nov] Only One Regret by Natasha Madison ★★★★
  3. [10 Nov] Deadlocked by Dawn by Afton Locke ★★★½
  4. [11 Nov] Tempting Little Tease by Rachael Brownell ★★★★
  5. [13 Nov] House of Shadows by K.A. Linde ★★★★½
  6. [16 Nov] Kingdom Come by Aleatha Romig ★★★★
  7. [17 Nov] Wild For Me by Tam Derudder Jackson ★★★½
  8. [18 Nov] Maybe We Should by Melissa Foster ★★★★½
  9. [29 Nov] Shot Across the Bow by Julie Ann Walker ★★★★
  10. [30 Nov] Dead Cat, Run by Annabelle Lewis ★★★★½

Reading Summary

Books Read- 16 (Reviews posted for 15)

Audiobooks- 4

ebooks- 12

Total Books completed to date – 137

Average days per book – 3.3

Total Pages Read to date – 42,810

Challenges in progress

  1. Kindle Unlimited: Fifty (percent (50%)
  2. A – Z: eighty-one percent (81%)

Favourite Reads

Keep Me Warm at Christmas

Current Read

Washed Away


A Sample of What I have planned to read for December

How was your reading for November? Did you have any standout reads?

I am linking up to the Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly over at Caffeinated Reviewer.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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9 responses to “Monthly Wrap Up: November 2021

  1. Ah man, that does really sour a vacation. Hopefully, it will not take too long or too much of your vacation time.

    Wow, way to go on the HoHoHo Readathon and the rest of the month’s reading numbers. I see you have One Christmas Wish for December. A sweet one! Enjoy your holiday and also your December reading, Nadene.

  2. Oh, car accidents are never fun, even ones where no one was injured. It’s a hassle and an expense even when it’s not your fault and there’s insurance. Hope you have an easy time of it.

    I need to try that Brenda Novak after reading your review and seeing your 5-stars! You had a great reading month. Hope you enjoy the resto of your vacation!

    Rachel recently posted: Sunday Post #146