Juniper Hill by Devney Perry

Posted on January 14, 2022 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 7 Comments

Juniper Hill is the second stand-alone romance in the Eden series. I have been looking forward to Knox’s story after his introduction in Indigo Ridge. Perry did not disappoint. Juniper Hill captured my heart and held it hostage until the very end. Move over Griffin Eden. Knox is your replacement. Be still my beating heart. A man who willingly stepped up and took responsibility for another man’s baby, without batting an eye. A man who showed the mother of this precious baby that she deserved to be loved. That is Knox Eden in a nutshell.


Juniper Hill by Devney PerryTitle: Juniper Hill
Author(s): Devney Perry
Series: The Edens #2
Also in this series: Indigo Ridge , Garnet Flats, Jasper Vale, Crimson River , Sable Peak
Published by Self-published on January 11, 2022
Pages: 326
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance
Source: Author
Format: eArc
Purchase: Amazon|B&N|Kobo|Audible|ITunes
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Series Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne FlameOne Flame

Memphis Ward arrives in Quincy, Montana, on the fifth worst day of her life. She needs a shower. She needs a snack. She needs some sanity. Because moving across the country with her newborn baby is by far the craziest thing she’s ever done.
But maybe it takes a little crazy to build a good life. If putting the past behind her requires a thousand miles and a new town, she’ll do it if it means a better future for her son. Even if it requires setting aside the glamour of her former life. Even if it requires working as a housekeeper at The Eloise Inn and living in an apartment above a garage.
It’s there, on the fifth worst day of her life, that she meets the handsomest man she’s ever laid eyes on. Knox Eden is a beautiful, sinful dream, a chef and her temporary landlord. With his sharp, stubbled jaw and tattooed arms, he’s raw and rugged and everything she’s never had—and never will. Because after the first worst day of her life, Memphis learned a good life requires giving up on her dreams too. And a man like Knox Eden will only ever be a dream.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

This post contains affiliate links you can use to purchase the book. If you buy the book using that link, I will receive a small commission from the sale.

From the moment I knew of this book, I waited with bated breath for a copy. When the opportunity came knocking, I didn’t hesitate. Juniper Hill was everything I hoped for, and more. Perry sure knows how to create magic through the written word.

Memphis Ward abandoned a life of luxury in the city to live in a small town with her baby boy. She plans to start over and create an atmosphere well suited for her son. It wouldn’t be easy, but giving up was not an option. She arrives in Quincy, Montana, broke and with no support, to take up a job as a housekeeper at Eloise Hotel owned and operated by the Eden’s. She has no space in her life for a relationship. Her focus is on her son and keeping her head above water. At least that is what she told herself, until she laid eyes on her new, but temporary, landlord Knox Eden. Not only is Knox easy on the eyes, he is an amazing chef, who is determined to keep her fed.

Knox loves his solitude. Therefore, he was far from amused when his sister had Memphis moving into his loft. Then, to make matters worse, her baby’s crying kept him up at night. She needed to go. Besides, the attraction they had towards each other made them both determined to keep away from each other. But soon they would throw caution to the wind and embracing the very thing they tried to avoid.

They shared an amazing chemistry. They started out as friends when Knox grew attached to the baby. Their friendship soon developed into something more. They both shared their past with each other, although it took Memphis a little longer to bear those secrets.

Now that Knox finally found the woman of his dreams, there’s no way he is letting her go. His honesty is refreshing. I loved how he was not afraid to express his feelings. When Memphis allows her doubts and fears to consume her, he became her voice of reason. He knew what he wanted and did not fear putting himself out there to get it.

Memphis is a wonderful heroine. It took guts for her to move away from the only life she knew, to embrace the unknown, to create a better life for her son. And then to take a chance on love made it even more precious.  That is sheer determination and strength.

The author introduces an element of suspense, which provided some thrilling moments to keep one on the edge of their seat.

Overall, an excellent read. Juniper Hill is a story of healing, redemption, starting over and discovering love unexpectedly. It is one of those stories that will pull on your heart, make you swoon and leave you with a smile at the end.

Story Evaluation
World Building
Writing Style
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star


Favourite Quotes

” I cook for you because it’s how I show someone I care. I cook for you because I love the look on your face after that first bite. I cook for you because I’d rather cook for you than anyone else.”


“Let me make it clear. You are mine. Drake is mine. For all of your todays and each of your tomorrows. Mine.”



About Devney Perry

Devney is a USA Today bestselling author. Born and raised in Montana, she loves writing books set in her treasured home state. After working in the technology industry for nearly a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to enjoy a slower pace at home with her husband and two sons. Writing one book, let alone many, was not something she ever expected to do. But now that she’s discovered her true passion for writing romance, she has no plans to ever stop. Devney loves hearing from readers! Connect with her on social media.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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