Monthly Wrap-Up : November

Posted on December 2, 2020 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Wrap-up / 36 Comments

November has been an uneventful  month for me, considering all that is going on in the world at large. There are scary things happening in my little slice of the world, but I choose not allow these events to cause me undue stress. I try to avoid the news as much as I possibly can.  


I managed to get quite a good amount of reading done despite my hectic work schedule.  I read and reviewed twelve books in November, three of which were audio books.

  1. [2 Nov] What We Bury by Carolyn Arnold ★★★★
  2. [9 Nov] Blood & Ash by Deborah Wilde ★★★★
  3. [12 Nov] The Chalet by Catherine Cooper ★★★★
  4. [16 Nov] Man of Honor: A Royal Organized Crime Romance: Prologue by Bella Di Corte ★★★½
  5. [17 Nov] A Wright Christmas by K.A. Linde ★★★★½
  6. [19 Nov] A Cowboy For Christmas by Dorothy Ewels ★★★½
  7. [19 Nov] Home for Christmas by Mika Jolie ★★★½
  8. [23 Nov] All Mouth and No Trousers by Xina Marie Uhl ★★★½
  9. [23 Nov] Blackburn by Brynne Asher ★★★
  10. [28 Nov] Blood Rogue by Linda J. Parisi ★★★★
  11. [29 Nov] The House by Tom Watson, Imogen Robertson ★★★
  12. [30 Nov] Custom Built by Chantal Fernando ★★★★

Reading Challenges

I am at fifty – seven percent (57%) of The Kindle Unlimited Challenge, and still at sixty – seven percent (67%) of The Audio Book Challenge.  I am not sure if I will complete both challenges, but I am determined to see how far I can go. 


New Additions to the Blog

ARCs/ALCs Received


I have finished listening to the Vow by Dannika Dark, I had a good time with it. Review will be up soon.


I am linking this post to the Monthly Wrap-Up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction.










Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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36 responses to “Monthly Wrap-Up : November

  1. I catch the headlines on the news and turn to other things so I don’t stress out. Glad you had an uneventful month and got a nice pile of books read and listened to. I’ve got a few challenges that I’m not going to make it, but, like you, will try to get as close as I can. Look forward to your thoughts on your new books!

    Have a good December, Nadene!

  2. I catch the headlines on the news and turn to other things so I don’t stress out. Glad you had an uneventful month and got a nice pile of books read and listened to. I’ve got a few challenges that I’m not going to make it, but, like you, will try to get as close as I can. Look forward to your thoughts on your new books!

    Have a good December, Nadene!

  3. Wow what a great month you have had. And I KNOW….the news and all is so depressing. I actually have taken a break from it because I need something positive and happy right now. So focusing on blog and reading.

    The reading challenges are a beast right now and besides some holidays books, rushing to finish as much as I can.

  4. I’m avoiding the news too. I go through phases where I read a ton of it, but then I get stressed out and have to stop. I hope you have a good December!

  5. I’m avoiding the news too. I go through phases where I read a ton of it, but then I get stressed out and have to stop. I hope you have a good December!

  6. Debbie Haupt

    Wow great month for you Nadene and kudos to you for not letting this crazy world get to you. I’m trying but it’s still quite a zoo in the US, but I’m trying 🙂 Thanks for sharing

  7. Debbie Haupt

    Wow great month for you Nadene and kudos to you for not letting this crazy world get to you. I’m trying but it’s still quite a zoo in the US, but I’m trying 🙂 Thanks for sharing

  8. Alchemy Books

    You had a fantastic reading month! I am super lucky to get to 12 books in a month. It requires a couple weeks off of work:)

  9. Danielle Hammelef

    Despite having a hectic work schedule, you had a great reading month. Good luck with your remaining challenges. I only set a Goodreads one for this year and surpassed that a while ago. Based on the ratings you gave the books you read, you picked excellent reads. I only allow myself a 15 minute window of local news, mostly to catch the weather as I run outside and need to prepare. Best to you for a safe and healthy 2021!

  10. Danielle Hammelef

    Despite having a hectic work schedule, you had a great reading month. Good luck with your remaining challenges. I only set a Goodreads one for this year and surpassed that a while ago. Based on the ratings you gave the books you read, you picked excellent reads. I only allow myself a 15 minute window of local news, mostly to catch the weather as I run outside and need to prepare. Best to you for a safe and healthy 2021!