Shot Across the Bow by Julie Ann Walker

Shot Across the Bow

Posted on November 29, 2021 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 6 Comments

Shot Across the Bow is the fifth book in the Deep Six series. I was eager to slip back into the world the author created and to learn more about the featured couple, Mia and Spiro, aka Romeo. Walker piqued my curiosity about Mia and Spiro with the details she teased me with in Deeper than the Ocean.


Shot Across the Bow by Julie Ann WalkerTitle: Shot Across the Bow
Author(s): Julie Ann Walker
Series: Deep Six #5
Also in this series: Deeper Than The Ocean
Published by Limerence Publications on November 29, 2021
Pages: 356
Genre(s): Romantic Suspense
Source: Author
Format: eArc
Purchase: Amazon|B&N|Kobo|ITunes
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Series Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne Flame

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Julie Ann Walker delivers perfect pulse-pounding romantic suspense! The former Navy SEALs of Deep Six Salvage thought they could retire to the sea and hunt for treasures of the deep, but when trouble comes to visit, there’ll be hell to pay.
Former Navy SEAL Spiro “Romeo” Delgado is six-plus feet of high-octane charm, and he has two hard and fast rules. One, always come to the rescue of those in need. And two, never give up his fast and furious bachelor ways. But when Mia Ennis joins Deep Six Salvage on the hunt for the Santa Cristina, her mesmerizing blend of brains, beauty, and bravery makes him question everything he thought he wanted in life.
Mia’s traumatic past has taught her to keep everyone she meets at arm’s length. But Romeo, with that body that is forever tensed for action and that dark gaze that tracks her every move, makes her feel safe in a way she never expected. Yet the secret she carries compels her to keep her distance—even as the past comes back to haunt them.
A harrowing plane crash ends with Romeo and Mia marooned on a desert island. When a boatful of men bent on murder drop anchor, Mia discovers her only hope for survival depends on her letting her guard down around Romeo. But surrendering to the passion she feels for him might be the most dangerous thing of all…

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

This post contains affiliate links you can use to purchase the book. If you buy the book using that link, I will receive a small commission from the sale.

This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.


Mia and Romeo share a mutual attraction, but refuse to acknowledge their feelings for each other. Romeo is not to type to settle down and to him Mia reeked of relationship material. While Mia believed, Romeo was out of her league, especially given her past. However, when the airplane they were travelling on was blown out of the sky and left them stranded on a deserted island, they were forced to confront their feelings.

I had a lot of fun with Shot Across the Bow. The wicked banter between the characters had me cracking up. Also, the romance which developed was passionate and sweet. The  author also treated us to another potential romance, of which more details will be provided in the next installment.

Mia and Romeo shared a special bond. She saw beyond his handsome face to the wonderful and caring person on the inside. They shared special moments. However, the moment which stood out was their shared love for a particular paranormal romance series. There were moments where Mia would read several chapters to him most nights.

Danger abounds, with Mia being the main target. This aspect of the story had me on the edge and I feared for all who were on the receiving end of the attack. Learning the identity of the main perpetrator of the attack came as no surprise.  

The details relating to tragic incidences in Mia’s past came to light, which added a somber mood to the story. It made me happy when she finally got answers. Answers, which enabled her to cease casting blame on herself and embrace the happily ever after she so rightly deserved.

Shot Across the Bow delivered an intriguing tale of suspense, jealousy, greed, friendship and love. A delightful story from start to finish. I am so looking forward to the next book.

Story Evaluation
World Building
Writing Style
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star


Note from the Author:

When it comes to romance, we adore the scenes in the books that involve the love interests. All that drama and angst and sexual tension, am I right? But some of the most fun I have when writing a novel isn’t between the people who are fighting for, or fighting against, their happily ever after. Some of the most fun I have when writing a novel comes from the conversations and interactions that occur between one of the main protagonists and one or more of the secondary characters. It gives me room to play with dialogue, to explore friendships instead of relationships.

So, with that in mind and without further ado, please enjoy this exclusive excerpt of SHOT ACROSS THE BOW:



“How are things between you and Romeo?”
Mia’s expression became unreadable. “He’s fine. Good. He was released from the hospital this afternoon. I’m sure he’s back on Wayfarer by now.”
Cami cocked her head. “That’s great to hear, but it’s not what I asked. Did something happen after I left? Last time I saw you, you were floating on cloud nine, and now my mere mention of his name has made the skin around your eyes pinch.”
Mia’s sigh was so wounded and weary sounding, it nearly broke Cami’s heart. “He told me he loves me,” she admitted quietly.
“That bastard,” Cami declared with mock vehemence. When Mia didn’t respond, she dropped the banter and asked, “And the problem with that is you don’t love him back?”
“No.” Mia fiddled with the diamond stud in her ear. “I love him back. I might love him more than I’ve ever loved anyone. But he wants a relationship. He wants to give this thing between us a shot. He wants to try for forever.”
“That bastard,” Cami swore again. Then, “Oh, wait. Why is that a bad thing?”
“Because, even on his worst day, he’s ten times the person I am.” There was a hitch in Mia’s raspy voice. “He deserves so much more than me.”
“Nope.” Cami lifted her hand. “Let me stop you right there. I know I don’t know you well, but I’ve seen you at your worst. And I can safely say that you are brave and generous and kind. Romeo would be lucky to have you.”
“No.” Mia shook her head sorrowfully. “There are things about me that you don’t know.”
Cami felt her eyebrows knit together. “So tell me.”
Mia shook her head again and Cami sighed because she recognized an uncooperative witness when she was looking at one. Before she could think of what to say next, the bartender came by with two drinks. “Courtesy of the gentleman at the end of the bar,” he said.
The good manners Cami’s mother had instilled in her made her give Chin Dimple a smile of thanks. But she was careful to keep it from edging into a smile of invitation. After turning her attention back to the newly arrived drinks, she sighed. “Do you think we should tell him he’s fishing with the wrong bait? Why do men always think we want cosmopolitans?”
“Blame it on Sex and the City.” Mia nursed her gin and tonic as she eyed with distaste the red cocktail sitting on the bar in front of her.
“Annndddd speaking of complicated love lives, those ladies wrote the book.” Cami threw a commiserating arm around Mia’s shoulders. “Why does it have to be this way, huh? Why does life have to be like a box of chocolates where we never know what we’re going to get? Why can’t it be like a bowl of cherries? All sweet-tasting and packed full of pleasure?”
“I wish I knew,” Mia whispered, and Cami thought for sure she caught Mia blinking away tears.




“Hot men, hot action, and hot temperatures make for one hot romance!”

— BookPage

“Walker blends the tender romance of a reassuring touch with lusty sex scenes… Readers will be panting.”

— Publishers Weekly

“Julie Ann Walker and her SEALs serve up spicy fare…an exciting, spellbinding story.”

— Long and Short Reviews


About Julie Ann Walker

Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Julie grew up in a house full of women – she has three older sisters. As you can imagine, there was no lack of drama… or romance. Her mother enrolled her in a book club as soon as she began to read and it was the small spark that ignited her voracious appetite for the written word.  Because of Julie’s early immersion in literature, she found writing came quite naturally. In high school, she won multiple writing contests and was the proud senior editor of The Tiger’s Tale – her school newspaper.  During her college years, however, she longed for a challenge. “Reading and writing felt like second nature to me, so I looked for a way to flex my mental muscles,” she recalls. After receiving a Bachelor of Science degree, Julie began teaching advanced high school mathematics. “I loved working with the students and facing the challenges of the classroom, but I longed for the occasional snow day when I could race to the local book store, buy two or three new novels, and curl up in front of the fire to read.” It wasn’t until a fortuitous move to Chicago that Julie once more returned to her first passion. Now Julie loves to travel the world looking for views to compete with her deadlines. When she’s not writing, she enjoys camping, hiking, cycling, cooking, petting every dog that walks by her, and… reading, of course!

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