Risky Little Affair by Rachael Brownwell

Posted on January 13, 2022 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Giveaway, Reviews / 6 Comments

Risky Little Affair by Rachael Brownell is the third book in the Lake State University series. This was one of my anticipated releases for 2022 and it did not disappoint. Risky Little Affair delivered a charming tale, which I eagerly devoured. 


Risky Little Affair by Rachael BrownwellTitle: Risky Little Affair
Author(s): Rachael Brownell
Series: Lake State University #3
Also in this series: Dirty Little Secret , Tempting Little Tease, Wicked Little Promise , Scandalous Little Obsession , Torrid Little Passion , Tangled Little Truths, Twisted Little Lies, Defiant Little Love
Published by Self Published on January 13, 2022
Pages: 252
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance, New Adult
Source: Author
Format: eArc
Purchase: Amazon
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Series Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne FlameOne Flame

A one-night stand.That’s all I wanted. All I could handle.I had enough on my plate. Getting involved with a notorious playboy was not on my agenda. Which is why he was perfect. He didn’t do relationships and I didn’t have time for one.He’d been stoking my fire all weekend. Whispering dirty promises in my ear. Weaseling his way under my skin. And I was ready to combust.He agreed to my terms. Probably because I was naked, he was caught off guard, and judging by the tent in his shorts, thinking with the wrong head.I should have known better than to take him at his word.Two days. That’s all he lasted before he showed up at my door begging for more.More than I had to give. More than I was willing to part with.My time. My body.Most importantly, my heart.And when I said no, he persisted until I caved. Not that he had to work very hard to wear me down. He was too tempting to ignore, and I craved another taste.The only way to protect myself from getting hurt… rules. Some to keep him at a distance, others to keep him close.Like rule number eight… no other sexual partners. The only dorm room I wanted him sneaking in and out of was mine.I knew I was in over my head. That what we were doing was going to blow up in our faces as soon as our friends found out. But in the moment, I couldn’t bring myself to care about any of it.Consequences be damned.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

This post contains affiliate links you can use to purchase the book. If you buy the book using that link, I will receive a small commission from the sale.


This installment delivers Micah and Alexis story. I awaited Micah’s story with eager anticipation after his merciless teasing of his brothers, who had been bitten by the love bug. He swore up and down that such a fate would never reach him. However, he underestimated the powerful force of love. It was fun seeing the cocky womanizer taken down by the very thing he claimed would not befall him.

Alexis is not looking for a permanent relationship. Her focus is on her studies and keeping her scholarship. Failure was not an option, as returning to an unhealthy home environment. She could not afford distractions of any form. However, Micah will become her biggest distraction when she discovered that one night of passion would not be enough.

Risky Little Affair was such an endearing read. It lacked all the unnecessary angst that one may associate with college romances. It was a joy getting to Micah and Alexis. To be honest, I never expected the level of maturity displayed by Micah, given his reputation. But man, he proved me wrong.

The driving force behind Alexis’ need to study is heartbreaking. She developed insecurities as a result, which is to be expected. She had a hard time accepting that Micah wanted to be with her. Her apprehensions arose because of the difference in their social status. An unwarranted fear as the difference in their social status did not matter to Micah. Her determination, resilience and dedication were the things that drew him to her. The princess of one-night stands had her well erected walls torn down by the prince of love them and leave them.

Free of drama and angst, but with lots of steamy moments, Ricky Little Affair hooked me from the start. A sweet story with endearing characters whom I couldn’t get enough of. Alexis and Micah brought out the best in each other, making them a wonderful couple.

Overall, a delightful read. Risky Little Affair is a story about overcoming one’s past and finding love when it’s least expected. Perfect for fans of new adult romance


Story Evaluation
World Building
Writing Style
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
As we pull up to the Palmer’s house, I let out a soft sigh of relief. I need to put some distance between me and Micah. He hasn’t said one word to me all day, yet his presence alone has my mind reeling with naughty ideas. Ones I shouldn’t want to entertain but my imagination continues to defy me.
“You. Me. One night,” he whispers as I turn to get out of the truck.
“Get over yourself,” I state firmly.
I’m surprised the words actually come out because they weren’t what I was thinking. Nope. Not even close.
I wanted to scream yes and start stripping right there, begging him to take me.
Whatever’s come over me today is startling. It hasn’t been that long since I’ve gotten laid. Hell, my longest stretch was eighteen months. A year is my average. I shouldn’t be this willing and ready, especially considering who I have my sights set on.
By the time night falls, I’m barely holding it together.
Evie’s been hinting at things, putting ideas in my head.
Micah’s been whispering dirty thoughts in my ear. Telling me exactly what he wants to do to me. Attempting to wear me down.
I’m holding strong but no amount of alcohol is going to dose the fire burning inside me. The only thing that will is the one thing I shouldn’t have.
And he knows it.
He’s been reading my body language all day.
Which is why I situated myself on the other side of Kendall when we sat down to watch the fireworks.
Which is also why he’s pissed off. Because he tried to get me to sit next to him and I denied him.
Which led to him storming off, Declan following, and I’m certain a whole host of other issues will follow.
As long as I stay strong and don’t give in to my growing desires, everything will be fine.
I can ignore this feeling for a few days. I’ll avoid him from sunup to sundown. And when the time comes to call it a night, I’ll just turn my back to him and pretend he’s not there. That I can’t smell his intoxicating cologne.
We’ll part ways on Sunday and life will go back to normal.
Work, study, repeat.
Just the way I like it. Complication free.
The thought makes me sad as I stare up at the lights exploding overhead.

About Rachael Brownell

Rachael Brownell is an award-winning author of young adult and new adult romance. 

Rachael lives in Michigan with her husband, son, snuggly dog, and hateful cat. She moonlights as a bartender a few days a week (her excuse to get out of the house and socialize) and writes almost full time.  Her first book was published way back in 2013 and since she’s released 30 additional titles. She writes all kinds of romance – dark, sexy, sweet. When she’s not writing her next novel, you can find her hanging out with her family, watching her son play baseball, or running on the treadmill at the gym (though she skips more days than she goes). She also enjoys golfing but is still learning, so if you see her on the course… stand back.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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