Torrid Little Passion by Rachael Brownell

Torrid Little Passion

Posted on August 17, 2022 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 6 Comments

Torrid Little Passion takes readers back to Lake State University where a particular group of friends party hard, study harder and fall in love the hardest. This installment treats readers to a wonderful friends to lovers romance.


Torrid Little Passion by Rachael BrownellTitle: Torrid Little Passion
Author(s): Rachael Brownell
Series: Lake State University #6
Also in this series: Dirty Little Secret , Tempting Little Tease, Risky Little Affair , Wicked Little Promise , Scandalous Little Obsession , Tangled Little Truths, Twisted Little Lies, Defiant Little Love
Published by Rachael Brownell Books on July 14, 2022
Pages: 244
Genre(s): New Adult
Source: Kindle Unlimited
Format: eBook
Purchase: Amazon
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Series Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne FlameOne FlameHalf a Flame

I’ve wanted her since the moment I first saw her. She was wearing sweatpants and a baggy shirt. Her hair was tucked under a knit cap, her hands wrapped around a large to-go cup of steaming coffee.
We spent hours together that semester. Working. Studying. Talking. Becoming friends.
Ha! I never once thought of her as my friend. The only thoughts I had where she was concerned involved us naked and her screaming my name. Over and over again.
But like the idiot I am, I waited too long to make my move. She started dating some jerk and I remained in the friendzone.
They’re not together anymore, though. So when I spot her standing in the bookstore, looking hot as hell, I don’t hesitate. This may be my only shot with her so I’m not going to blow it.
Only, that’s exactly what I do.
Because instead of rekindling our friendship and moving slow, I end up devouring her lips and taking her back to my place. Worshipping her for hours. And almost letting my true feelings slip.
Would that be so bad?
Yes. Because she’s made it clear that we’re friends, even if we can’t seem to keep our clothes on when we’re around each other. Which is why we’re sneaking around.
If she only knew how I really felt, maybe things would be different.
Then again, opening myself up to her could expose my darkest secret. One that I haven’t even shared with my friends, my brothers, the people who know me the best.
Telling her my secret could also set me free. Because when I’m with her, that’s how I feel.
Of the burden. Of the memories. Of my reality.

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I was eager for the release of Torrid Little Passion; it being Brady’s story. The intriguing air mystery surrounding his character piqued my curiosity. He knew his friend’s secrets, but they had no clue of the pain he hid from them. He disappears from social events and everyone assumes the reasons for his disappearance involve a girl. However, in Torrid Little Passion, the truth behind his actions came to light. 

The reasons behind his disappearing acts led to his friend zoning Mya, his study partner and the girl with whom he was in love with. By the time he worked up the courage to let his feelings be known, she began dating someone else. Fortunately for him, that relationship ended, which provided the opening for him to make his move. 


Did I like this book? Yes! Was it my favourite in the series? No! Torrid Little Passion didn’t go as well as I hoped. It had some good points, but overall it was a normal read. As you probably guess by the title, this book was quite steamy. It was far steamier than the other books in the series. From the moment Brady and Mya crossed the lines of friendship into the world of lovers, they couldn’t get enough of each other. 

The change in their relationship came with lots of challenges ranging from Brady’s struggles with social anxiety, the baggage brought over from Mya’s previous relationship and failure to communicate. The support they offered each other after the revelation of secrets was a testament to their true feelings for each other. Mya’s lack of trust and uncalled for jealousy was a turnoff, which made it difficult to connect with her. Her previous relationship really did a number on her, and this fueled her insecurities.

Brady was a sweetheart. A person who friends could trust to keep their secrets. I loved how he handled the drama resulting from Mya’s insecurities. His willingness to forgive and work on building their relationship impressed me. Now, despite all of this, it took a push from a well-meaning friend to get them on the road to resolving their issues. It was good to see them reaching that juncture of their relationship, but the path to get there felt rushed. I believe that aspect of the story needed further development, thereby adding authenticity to the attainment of the couple’s HEA and the culmination of the story.


Story Evaluation
World Building
Writing Style
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

About Rachael Brownell

Rachael Brownell is an award-winning author of young adult and new adult romance. 

Rachael lives in Michigan with her husband, son, snuggly dog, and hateful cat. She moonlights as a bartender a few days a week (her excuse to get out of the house and socialize) and writes almost full time.  Her first book was published way back in 2013 and since she’s released 30 additional titles. She writes all kinds of romance – dark, sexy, sweet. When she’s not writing her next novel, you can find her hanging out with her family, watching her son play baseball, or running on the treadmill at the gym (though she skips more days than she goes). She also enjoys golfing but is still learning, so if you see her on the course… stand back.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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