Monthly Wrap-Up January 2021

Posted on February 7, 2021 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Wrap-up / 18 Comments

Welcome to January 2021 Wrap-up Post.


I started on a good note with my reading this month. I hope to continue with that momentum in the upcoming months. 

Books read and reviewed

I read thirteen (13) books and reviewed 10. 

  1. [5 Jan] Only One Night by Natasha Madison ★★★★★
  2. [6 Jan] The Writhing: A Horror Novel by Abe Moss ★★★★
  3. [8 Jan] Wrong Alibi by Christina Dodd ★★★★
  4. [11 Jan] Dirty Deeds by Nicole James ★★★½
  5. [12 Jan] The Little Grave by Carolyn Arnold ★★★★
  6. [18 Jan] Aftershock by Judy Melinek, T.J. Mitchell ★★★★
  7. [19 Jan] The Lasaran by Dianne Duvall ★★★★½
  8. [21 Jan] The Forever Girl by Jill Shalvis ★★★★
  9. [25 Jan] The Segonian by Dianne Duvall ★★★★★
  10. [28 Jan] Cold Cruel Kiss by Toni Anderson ★★★★★

Books read in January but not reviewed


Reading Challenges

I am at eleven percent (11%) of The New Release Challenge, one percent (1%) of The Kindle Unlimited Challenge, thirteen percent  (13%) of The Audio Book Challenge, sixteen percent (16%) in the Netgalley and Edelweiss Challenge, fifteen percent (15%) into COYER and twenty-seven percent (27%) in the A-Z reading challenge At, the time of me writing this post I was five (5) books ahead in my Goodreads Challenge.



I have nothing exciting to report this month. I had a bout with the flu. My recovery was quick, which I was grateful for. The Covid vaccine has reached our shores, however persons are skeptical of taking it, myself included.  The uncertainty surrounding the adverse reactions plays a role in the uncertainties.

How was your month? What are your reading and blogging goals for February?


I am linking this post to the Monthly Wrap-Up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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18 responses to “Monthly Wrap-Up January 2021

  1. that is a cool number of books completed.. while I have read quite a few too, I am not doing so well towards all the challenges yet 🙂 Need to work on them more consciously

  2. Bummer about catching the flu. I had a sinus infection, but fingers crossed I’ll avoid the flu. Wow, doing great on your challenges for January. I especially love seeing your Net Galley and Edelweiss numbers b/c getting my review pile under control has been an ongoing challenge for me. Glad to see all those high ratings on the books you read.

    Have a good February, Nadene!