Only One Night by Natasha Madison

Posted on January 5, 2021 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 21 Comments

I have been eagerly awaiting ?Only One Night , for Manning’s story ever since his introduction in book one of the Only One series. I expected his story to be emotional with a side of drama, and Madison did not disappoint. She delivered all I expected and more.

If you found yourself trapped in a loveless marriage with a spouse from hell, who has no intention of letting you go because of the perks associated with being married to you, and who would use your child as a pawn to ensure you stay in line what would be your course of action? This was the situation the main character, Manning, captain of the Dallas Oilers hockey team faced in ?Only One Night .

His wife, Murielle, refuses to give him a divorce, despite her many affairs, and holds the threat of taking their son away over his head. She enjoyed the perks of being a captain’s wife and had no intention of giving it up. Manning resigned himself to his fate for the sake of his son, a situation which left him miserable and unsociable. Then he met Evelyn and what should have been one night of passion, became much more. Evelyn made him recognise he deserved happiness and needed to take the steps to achieve same.

Ah! Manning was so swoon worthy. I admired the way he is always there for his son, Jaxon. His son’s needs took priority and the fact he willingly sacrificed his happiness for him showed he was a great father. However, what I admired most about him was the fact he never once disrespected his wife in front of their son, which I knew took a lot of restraint and patience. His willingness to admit when he was wrong was another trait which I admired about him. He was by no means perfect. He made mistakes, but he owned up to them.

Evelyn was a sweetheart. She oozed confidence and strength. Her selfless nature revealed itself in the way put Jaxon’s needs (Manning’s son) above her happiness. She unwittingly found herself in a complicated situation, and I loved how she handled it all.

Be prepared to have your emotions tied up if you decide to read this book. I experienced a variety of emotions. Anger, laughter, teary-eyed moments, indifference, you name it; I felt it. This story had enough heat to set my kindle on fire. The chemistry between Evelyn and Manning topped the sexual chemistry charts. Be prepared for some hot and passionate scenes. The genuineness of their feelings for each other radiated through the pages, and it had me rallying for their happiness. Madison’s talent in maintaining a balance of sexy and heartfelt emotion came to light in this installment.

I had fun catching up with the characters from the previous books, and as always Miller had me in stitches.

Now, I am not on board with cheating, but Manning’s situation fell in a grey area. One could understand the dilemma he faced and in this situation I would not pass judgement. Bearing in mind his marriage was on paper only and there was no emotional attachment to his shrew of a wife.

I thoroughly enjoyed ?Only One Night, with its swoon worthy and passionate romance. I can’t wait to get my hands on Nico and Becca’s story, which promises to be an equally exciting read.


Story Evaluation
World Building
Writing Style
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

?Only One Night
? Only One Night
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About Natasha Madison

When her nose isn’t buried in a book, or her fingers flying across a keyboard writing, she’s in the kitchen creating gourmet meals. You can find her, in four inch heels no less, in the car chauffeuring kids, or possibly with her husband scheduling his business trips. It’s a good thing her characters do what she says, because even her Labrador doesn’t listen to her…

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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21 responses to “Only One Night by Natasha Madison

  1. isn’t it the best when an author you really like doesn’t disappoint? I have been hearing some amazing things about this one and so thrilled to hear it worked so well for you. And cheating is mostly a no go for me unless written well, so I am very interested to see how it works in this one.

    Great review.

  2. isn’t it the best when an author you really like doesn’t disappoint? I have been hearing some amazing things about this one and so thrilled to hear it worked so well for you. And cheating is mostly a no go for me unless written well, so I am very interested to see how it works in this one.

    Great review.

  3. Bewitched Reader

    Excellent review! I love the way you break it down and include the icons labeling it as a “Page Turner,” “Sexy,” etc.

  4. Bewitched Reader

    Excellent review! I love the way you break it down and include the icons labeling it as a “Page Turner,” “Sexy,” etc.