Review: San Diego Dead by Mark Nolan

Posted on October 21, 2020 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 8 Comments

I have been meaning to pick up this book earlier in the year, having read the previous books in the series. However, for some reason it kept getting pushed back in favour of other books. Not sure why, as I had great expectations for this book and now, I could kick myself for waiting so long.
San Diego Dead provided another thrilling and exciting look into the lives of Jake and Cody. In this installment, Jake tries to balance his personal life with his role of being an assassin for the US government. He loves Sarah, but his love of country and his desire to protect the innocent always get in the way.

The story started out with a bang where Jake and his faithful companion and protector, Cody are both trapped in shark-infested waters after the completion of a mission involving the elimination of a human trafficker. However, that was only the beginning of things to come as this assignment opened up a big can of worms, which placed his life and that of his friends and acquaintances in danger. To make the situation even more dangerous, a fellow veteran and friend got caught up in something deadly, which threatens national security, making Jake and his friends a target of El Rojo, the new boss of the Mexican Cartel.

This story had it all. Suspense, action, thrills and danger and a side serving of romance. It had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. I had a hard time putting it down.

I got the chance to catch up with the characters from the previous books and met new ones. I loved the portrayal of the characters, and I appreciated seeing the story through their eyes. Aside from Jake, my favourite character was Cody. I am amazed at his intelligence. I am aware dogs are smart, but his abilities go beyond a regular trained dog. I guess it all has to do with him being trained as a war dog.

Jake’s latest assignment tested his and Sarah’s relationship, which faced further complications after a tragic accident. I believe they make a great couple, but will have to wait and see if their relationship can survive Jake’s secret career.

Overall, I had a great time with this installment. I am now gearing up to read the next book in this awesome series.


Story Evaluation
World Building
Writing Style
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star


[bctt tweet=”San Diego Dead by Mark Nolan delivered a thrilling, action packed and suspenseful tale served with a side of romance. #jakewolfe #thriller # suspense #actionpacked ” username=”TtlyAdd2Reading”]



About Mark Nolan

Mark Nolan began his writing career as a successful entrepreneur who created news stories for businesses that were featured in The Wall Street Journal, National Geographic, Parade, Reader’s Digest and The Associated Press. Nolan was born in San Francisco, grew up in the Bay Area of California, and has also lived in the Pacific Northwest and Hawaii. He has raised two great kids and one very smart retriever dog. Right now he’s busy writing the next book about Jake Wolfe (Book 2), but he also tries to make time every day to answer emails from readers.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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8 responses to “Review: San Diego Dead by Mark Nolan

  1. It sounds like this series has it all, and I just love when that is the case! I can’t wait for you to put your hands on the next instalment, I sure hope you have a blast with it 😀