Review: Billionaire Obsession by J S Scott

Posted on October 22, 2018 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 15 Comments


I purchased the ebook version of this title as freebie a couple months so when the opportunity arose to listen and review the audio version I could not resist.
I do not read many erotic romances, but I was curious about this title. I have seen reviews, which stated that this was a Fifty Shades knock off. Now having never read Fifty Shades the comparative had no effect on me and so I went into this story with one expectation and that is to have an enjoyable experience.
What I liked
The Story: Although not unique, I found the story interesting and entertaining. It provided me with the escape I craved. The story had many erotic moments, which had my ears burning from listening to the narrator’s description.
Favourite Character
I considered Simon Hudson to be my favourite character. I was prepared to dislike him as he struck me as a creepy stalker. Who watched someone from afar, follows him or her home without his or her knowledge for an entire year? Nonetheless, as the story developed my feelings towards him changed.  Like most men, he was demanding and possessive, but never controlling. A man with a generous heart who would do anything for those he loved. He had a painful past. l, which led to his current trust issues with women. Watching him overcome these issues to become a stronger version of himself was a delight. In doing so, he gained the ability to commit a loving relationship with Kara.
This is my first Elizabeth Powers narration, and I thought she did a brilliant job. She captured the emotions of the characters impeccably.  Her male and female voices were distinct and the switch between characters were seamless.
What I did not like.
Based on the description I knew the book would contain explicit language, but I never expected it on almost every page.
I thought the romance needed further development. I knew Simon obsessed over Kara for a year and he got his chance to get, close her, but they never got to know each other before becoming intimate. Sex defined their relationship and as a result, it lacked substance.
The push and pull, which was on Kara’s part was tiresome. I understand she grew up in poverty and not used to someone taking care of her, but her constant rejection of gifts from Simon was annoying. What is wrong with accepting gifts from the man you claim to love? So what if he is rich is not as if he was trying to buy her? She needed to get a grip.
Overall, I enjoyed this story, but it did not hold me to captive to the exclusion of other events in my life. I did not feel the urge to rush through it neither was I inclined to savour the moments. I plan to continue the series, as I am keen to learn more about Simon’s brother.

About J.S. Scott

J.S. Scott is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of erotic romance. She’s an avid reader of all types of books and literature. Writing what she loves to read, J.S. Scott writes both contemporary erotic romance stories and paranormal romance erotics. They almost always feature an Alpha Male and have a happily ever after because she just can’t seem to write them any other way! She lives in the beautiful Rocky Mountains with her husband and two very spoiled German Shepherds.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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15 responses to “Review: Billionaire Obsession by J S Scott

  1. RO

    I used to re4ad a lot of BDSM books, except for the 50 Shades series. I sort of felt like there were other authors who had been writing about that lifestyle before, but were never recognized. I don’t really care if there is explicit language, because there are just some instances that it seems to work. Hugs…RO

  2. Debbie Haupt

    I’m glad you liked it despite its flaws, I don’t mind explicit language when it fits bus so many times it seems to me that authors just put it in there for the shock value. Thanks Nadene

  3. I am not a fan of the 50 Shades books. I don’t mind some sex in a story but I get annoyed if it becomes the whole book. I don’t think that this one is for me but I am glad you found some enjoyment in it.

  4. Good point about a comparison not mattering if you aren’t familiar with the earlier one. Probably helped you go win with none of those sorts of expectations. He sounds like a complicated guy. I’ve read a few heroines who are so stuck on independence that they don’t know how to be gracious with a no-strings gift or spot of help. Still, sounds like you had a good time over all.

  5. kindlemom1

    I don’t blame you about the language thing. I don’t mind a bit of language, there is a time and place. But when it’s overly used it bothers me as well.