Review: Rock The Viper by Sammie J.

Posted on January 29, 2014 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 0 Comments


 I am not a fan of M/M and MFM genre. On my own  I would never have chosen this book to read. Therefore when the author offered me a copy in exchange for  a honest review I was a bit skeptical. I chose to move past my skepticism and give the book a chance. I am glad I did as I almost  missed out on a great story. Chomping at the bit for the next story as this ended with a whopper of a cliff hangar.

The story flowed and was easy to follow. Narrated from 3 POV’s the story helped me to better connect with each of the characters. It gave me insight into their emotions and their many experiences.  

Rock the Viper is a very hot and sizzling read about love, jealousy and betrayal and I would recommend to readers who love this type of story.
Please don’t wait too long to get your copy as you won’t regret it.



About Sammie J.

Sammie J loves to read, and through her own dreams, her stories have started to take form. She finally decided to write things down when her dreams kept repeating every night, and she hasn’t stopped since.
She finds time to write while also being a stay-at-home mum to four children, who love to help her choose names for her characters. Her biggest supporter is her husband, who will talk to her about her stories, and he isn’t shy about giving her criticism. Sammie J likes to think she has a wicked sense of humour, and she hopes it comes through in her books to her readers. If she can make you laugh, then her job is done, and she feels complete.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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