Review: For3ver by M.Dauphin and H.Q. Frost

Posted on December 19, 2016 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in COYER Reading Challenge, Reviews / 0 Comments


I absolutely loved this story. I loved the originality, the characters, and the storyline. It was fascinating, intriguing and painfully beautiful. It has the potential to break your heart and then slowly put the pieces back together. This is one of those stories that I will not be forgetting anytime soon. It is not your typical romance story. It’s a coming of age story. It’s a story about a friendship that stood the test of time, a story of betrayal, forgiveness and a love that endured For3ver.
I especially liked how the characters were portrayed.  I was invested in their lives from the moment I was introduced to them. Watching their experiences from childhood to adulthood was poignant. What I liked most was the fact that they were not perfect. Their actions at times made me angry and there were instances, it made me burst out in laughter and there were moments of sadness as a result.

 Although I did not agree with some of their actions, I understood why they made those choices. The story was written from dual POVs, that of Liam and Ryley. This gave me the chance to see how the story unfolded through their eyes. I felt every emotion that they were experiencing.  The painful, sorrowful and happy moments they both went through. My heart went out to them as a result. I would have loved to learn more about Gage. I wish I had the chance to see how the story developed through Gage’s eyes as it would have helped me to better understand his motives. He came off as being selfish, especially when he made the choice to betray his brother. I never had the opportunity to learn why he made those choices. What was really going through his mind?

I adored Liam. He had a forgiving nature. His grandmother got it right when she said he was the romantic one. Despite all that he had been through he remained loyal to his brother and he never stopped loving Ryley.
I am sure most of know someone, be it friend or family who always make poor choices. Even, when the solution is staring them in the face they go and do the opposite. Well, that was Ryley for you. As a teenager, you would probably excuse her actions, but as an adult, I think not, but then as an adult, I have made some questionable choices. So how could I possibly judge her?
I thought the writing was beautiful and flowed effortlessly, the characters were vivid, and the story pulled me in from the very beginning.
If you love stories that are captivating, bittersweet, emotional, and has a  happy ending, then look no further!


I was eight when I figured out what being in love was like, I’m talking about a love of a girl that you know will change your whole life. I was eight when I realized I loved Ryley Reynolds.

That was what perfect was. I had finally found my forever, and she had been there the whole time. I just had to open my heart to find her.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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