Review: Blood Rogue by Linda J. Parisi

Posted on November 28, 2020 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 9 Comments


Paranormal romance is one of my favourite sub-genres, add in a dark and brooding vampire and you can reel me in hook, line and sinker.  Now and again I have the urge for such a book, so, its no surprise, I decided to read and review Blood Rogue in exchange for an honest review.  The author being new to made no difference, as I am always ready and willing to discover new authors.  I am glad I picked this book up, as it satisfied my cravings for a good paranormal story.

The story proved to be an exciting and suspenseful read. It’s not every day one becomes the target of a rogue vampire. Well, that’s the lot of Stacy, a forensic scientist who had been oblivious to the existence of vampires until Charles Towers (Chaz) entered her life. His fascination with her and his decision to feed from her unwittingly placed her in the crosshairs of a rogue vampire. As a Palladin, an elite group of vampires, he is duty bound to protect his race by hunting and kill rogues. Now that Stacy is a target, his hand of protection extends to her. This would prove to be the hardest of his jobs as the rogue in question was his mentor and friend, and to make the situation more tenuous, he has fallen for the woman he was bound to protect.

Blood Rogue took me on a journey filled with suspense, danger, humour and romance. I enjoyed my introduction to the world the author created. I am looking forward to dive deeper into this world, which I hope will be explored further in the future books.

I enjoyed getting to know the characters both primary and secondary. I mourned the loss of a few and regretted not getting more page time with them. I had fun with Stacy’s reaction regarding the existence of vampires. I admired her strength, bravery and compassionate nature. I loved how she embraced the Chaz’s world after receiving proof of the existence of vampires. The risks she took would have given him coronary if he had been human. She had me biting my nails for most of the story.

Although not the main course, the romance proved as delectable as the rest of the story. Stacy and Chaz had undeniable chemistry, and the love scenes sizzled and burn. However, their path to happily ever after proved to a challenging journey. A journey fraught with many obstacles in the form of self-doubt, fears, danger and rules.


Overall, I had a good time with Blood Rogue and would recommend it to fans of paranormal romance.



Story Evaluation
World Building
Writing Style
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

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About Linda J. Parisi

As a major in biochemistry with a minor in English literature, Linda has always tried to mesh her love of science with her love of the written word. A clinical research scientist by day and NJRW Golden Leaf award winning author by night, she creates unforgettable characters and puts them in untenable situations, much to their dismay. Choices always matter and love conquers all, so a happy-ever-after is a must. Linda is the current Treasurer of Liberty States Fiction Writers. She has served on the boards of other writing organizations, and loves to teach the craft of writing at worshops and conferences. She lives in New Jersey with her husband John, son Chris, daughter-in-law Sara, and Audi, a Cocker Spaniel mix who had her at woof!

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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