Mine to Kiss and Mine to Have by Natasha Madison

Mine To Have

Posted on May 31, 2022 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 6 Comments

Mine to Kiss is the prequel to Natasha Madison’s new series, Southern Wedding. It’s the spin-off of her Southern series. When I discovered that this was available for free on Amazon, I jumped at the chance to read it before diving into book one. It provided an interesting look into the backstory of the couple featured in book one.


Mine to Kiss and Mine to Have by Natasha MadisonTitle: Mine To Kiss
Author(s): Natasha Madison
Series: Southern Wedding #0.5
Also in this series: Mine To Hold , Mine To Cherish , Mine To Love, Mine to Take , Mine to Promise , Mine to Honor , Mine to Keep
Published by Self Published on January 27, 2022
Pages: 82
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance
Source: Purchase
Format: eBook
Purchase: Amazon
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Series Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne Flame

From USA Today bestselling author Natasha Madison comes a
small town, friends to lovers romance.
Before she was mine to have, she was mine to kiss!

I fell in love with Harlow on the first day I met her, when I was pulling open the door for her.She was everything you could want in a woman—smart, kind, funny, patient.I loved knowing she would be mine forever.
I made her promise she would be there for the best day of my life... until it all came crashing down.
Before she was mine to have, she was mine to kiss!

This post contains affiliate links you can use to purchase the book. If you buy the book using that link, I will receive a small commission from the sale.



Harlow Barnes is off to college to study veterinary science. On her first day of classes, she meets Travis. They shared an instant attraction with each other. They spent a lot of time together and soon their relationship went beyond friendship. Basking in each other’s company, a strong bond developed between them. All was going well, then it came time for them to graduate. Will they make a life together after college or will their career goals impede their happily ever after?

This was a lovely introduction to the series. It paved the way for the events in Mine to Have. This is a lovely story of young love. I enjoyed the development of the romance between Harlow and Travis. They made a great couple. However, their greatest flaw would be their inability to communicate. A flaw which led to decisions that would bring about heartbreak for them both.

Of course, the story ended on a cliff-hanger, leaving me with questions. Thankfully Mine to Have was already in my possession.

Mine to Kiss provided a great introduction to the series. It delivered sufficient details to whet the appetite for more of Harlow and Travis’s story.

Story Evaluation
World Building
Writing Style
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star




Mine to Have continued Travis and Harlow’s story. The events in this installment occur four years after Mine to Kiss. It delivered a sexy romance that will warm your heart and have you believing in the possibility of second chances.


Mine to Kiss and Mine to Have by Natasha MadisonTitle: Mine To Have
Author(s): Natasha Madison
Series: Southern Wedding #1
Also in this series: Mine To Hold , Mine To Cherish , Mine To Love, Mine to Take , Mine to Promise , Mine to Honor , Mine to Keep
Published by Self Published on May 31, 2022
Pages: 230
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance
Source: Wildfire Marketing Solutions
Format: eArc
Purchase: Amazon|Audible
Reading Challenges: COYER 2022
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Series Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne FlameOne Flame

From Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author Natasha Madison comes a 
small town, second chance romance.

Are you ready for The Southern Wedding Series?Things are supposed to go smoothly on your wedding day.Aren't they?Are you ready for The Wedding Series?
HarlowI promised him I would be there for the best day of his life.Not thinking I wouldn’t be the one standing next to him.But here I was attending the love of my life’s wedding day.I smiled when I saw him and pushed back the tears that wanted to come out.This was his day and I was going to fulfill my promise.
TravisIt was supposed to be the best day of my life.But the second I got up, things started to fall apart.The kitchen just caught on fire.Flowers were from a funeral.My bride-to-be just had an allergic reaction leaving by ambulance.Oh and my ex-girlfriend just walked into the church.They say you have to see the signs when they are right in front of you.Maybe she was just mine to have.

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

This post contains affiliate links you can use to purchase the book. If you buy the book using that link, I will receive a small commission from the sale.


How would you react if you received an invitation to your ex-boyfriend’s wedding? Would you accept or will you ignore it and get on with your life? Well, this was the position Harlow found herself in. Four years after her break-up with Travis, she receives an invitation to his wedding. Her family and friends told her she didn’t need to accept. However, she went based on a promise she made. She promised she would be at his side on the best day of his life. Besides, what harm would come from her being there? It’s not like she still has feelings for him. Or did she?

Fours years ago Travis made the biggest mistake of his life. A mistake which has haunted him. He dumped the love of his life, believing he was doing it for her benefit. Now that he has gotten over her, he is moving on and is one step away from getting married. However, fare had other plans. Everything that could possibly go wrong with his wedding did. Then, if that was not enough, he saw his ex among the guests. Was this fate’s way of telling him he was about to make the second biggest mistake of his life?


I wondered how Madison would have handled the complexities of the relationships featured in this story. I was a bit worried that we would have a love triangle situation, but my worries were for naught. No love triangle here.

While reading this book, the song First Love Never dies by Eugene Wilde & Joanna Gardner came to mind. The love Harlowe and Travis had for each other was alive and well, and the moment they reconnected, it was like they were never a part. The ease with which they slipped back into their relationship revealed that their love for each other survived the break-up. Now, if only they would address the issue that led to their break-up.

These two shared so much sexy times, it’s a wonder my kindle I don’t need a new kindle. It seems they were making up for the years they were a part. Now, while they shared a lot sexy times, this was balanced out by the emotional upheavals the couple went through. The struggles of finding time to spend with each because of the demands of their jobs and the distance in their physical location took an emotional toll on them both.

It warmed my heart to see how much they both matured, which led to them both making the right decisions this time around. However, their communication skills still need improvement.

Harlowe and Travis were wonderful characters, authentic and relatable. One could not help but love them both. Harlowe oozed classiness and Travis, well, he redeemed himself in this installment. The secondary characters added more layers to the story with their humour and sarcastic comments. I had fun catching with Harlowe’s family and meeting Travis’s mom and sisters. Looking forward to his sisters’ stories.

Overall, Mine to Have delivered a beautiful second chance romance that will and have you believing that love is more wonderful and powerful the second time around.

Story Evaluation
World Building
Writing Style
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star



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About Natasha Madison

When her nose isn’t buried in a book, or her fingers flying across a keyboard writing, she’s in the kitchen creating gourmet meals. You can find her, in four inch heels no less, in the car chauffeuring kids, or possibly with her husband scheduling his business trips. It’s a good thing her characters do what she says, because even her Labrador doesn’t listen to her…

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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6 responses to “Mine to Kiss and Mine to Have by Natasha Madison

  1. ooh I am loving your reviews of these two. I saw the cover for this one and I knew that I wanted to read it and good to know to read the prequel with this one here. I really love this trope and I do love authentic characters.

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