Vanish by John W Mefford


Posted on December 11, 2019 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 2019 New Release Challenge, COYER Winter, Reviews / 10 Comments

Vanish by John Mefford is the latest installment in the A Ball & Chain Thriller.  It continues the adventures of Willow and Cooper.   At the end of the previous book, Willow decided to accompany a stranger hoping to gather information on her father’s whereabouts. However, this decision would lead her in danger, which had the potential to end her life.

At the start of Vanish, Cooper is struggling with Willow’s decision. He refused to let it slide and decided he would go search for her.   Cooper is a magnet for trouble, so it came as no surprise when he was attacked by a strange man outside of a bar. To make matters worse the man chose to kill himself instead of answering Cooper’s questions.   As a result he is on the run from the law and the people who want to hurt him.  Aided by beautiful, but deadly woman, he would find himself in the middle of a dangerous situation. Will he be able to find Willow before it is too late?
Mefford weaved a fast-paced, spine tingling and nerve-wracking tale, which never gave me a chance to catch my breath. Action, suspense and danger could be found at every turn of the page. Chase after endless chase with no end in sight. The addition of a whole new slew of characters made things interesting. Differentiating between the good and the bad guys proved to be a difficult task for Willow and Cooper, which placed them in a precarious situation. However, to find their way back to each other, while eluding their enemies they had to place their trust in stranger and hope for the best.

In the midst of the danger, there were some funny moments, which helped to lighten the mood somewhat.

The author did a great job of  depicting the emotions of the characters. Willow struggled with her decisions and was remorseful about the danger she brought to the door of persons who came to her assistance. Cooper’s regret of not telling Willow of his true feelings stood out.

This latest ordeal may have ended, but their troubles are not over. There are still unanswered questions and the danger is ever present.


Vanish is another exciting and suspenseful addition to the series.  I wait with bated breath for Escape, the next installment, where the adventures of Ball and Chain continues. Fans of suspense and thrillers will get a kick out of this series.


Don’t miss MERCY (The Ball & Chain Thrillers Book 1)

The torment builds and builds and builds….  He can’t deny it.  But in what form will the pressure erupt? 
Cooper Chain isn’t just down on his luck — he’s almost down for the count. The mob wants a piece of him, and he sees no way out.It’s a special week for Willow Ball, a woman who’s survived her own tribulations to reach this milestone in her life.Through fate — or a temporary misalignment of the stars — Willow and Cooper cross paths for the first time since college. Will an unexpected spark re-ignite the flame?A shattering discovery changes everything for Willow and Cooper. The murder is unlike any other. But what will the cops do about it?
Attacks ensure, chaos ruptures a family . . . Through it all, how can Willow and Cooper find the killer?But it’s not over. As the bodies pile up, a pattern develops and it rocks Willow and Cooper to the core.And then someone emerges after a three-decade disappearance. Could he be connected to this string of murders?

The past might provide the breadcrumbs to end this nightmare. But Willow and Cooper may not live long enough to see it through.

Will mercy save a life or end many?

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Don’t miss FEAR (The Ball & Chain Thrillers Book 2)

Her death has haunted him for over thirty years. 
And he’s hell-bent on making someone pay. A father goes missing. Not just any father. But a person once worshipped for his world-class talent.Enter the most unconventional team around: Willow Ball and Cooper Chain.As a nurse at the community clinic, Willow has seen the painful effects of heroin addiction. But now she’s compelled to help a grieving wife and mother.Dodging the mob at every turn, Cooper has a plan to bring them down while getting traction on his upstart career. Is he marching into a trap?With their relationship bordering the “friends with benefits” stage, Willow and Cooper team up to find the missing person. But it’s not that simple. Nothing with them is ever simple.The hunt corkscrews into an impossible maze of events — their lives threatened by a swarm of twisted deviants and social misfits.Emotions run rampant, stoking one savage response after another. A spark ignites the hate, but what is the real fuel for this wave of brutal crimes?

Ultimately, can Willow and Cooper save a family from the torment before it’s too late?

Only if they can overcome their own…fear.


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Don’t miss BURY (The Ball & Chain Thrillers Book 3)

Air pumps into the dark night sky. The blade of the shovel digs deeper and deeper.

And the cries from below are slowly devoured by the howl of a coyote. 

Willow Ball and Cooper Chain are tied at the hip — on some days that’s a fantasy, other days a curse.

But there’s one thing they agree on: if they hope to outsmart a ruthless crime boss, luck will have to fall their way.

But that’s only part of their perilous imbroglio. Life slips off the rails in a hurry . . . and the implications could be deadly.

A shallow grave is uncovered… and it’s the unthinkable. With little evidence, authorities have no suspects. But could this be connected to a similar incident more than two decades earlier?

When another girl goes missing, their world stops down. How is Cooper’s daughter caught up in the web?

Every path seems blocked, because every person wants something buried. Does that include what Willow and Cooper feel for each other?

Cops are gunned down, friends are framed and murdered — how can Willow and Cooper make sense of it all to finally end the mayhem?

But when one more person goes missing, it shreds Cooper’s heart.

What will Cooper and Willow sacrifice to save his daughter?

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Don’t miss LURE (The Ball & Chain Thrillers Book 4)

A painting. A memory. A death. Can safe refuge ever be found? 

Mindi Mendrano was a golden goddess with a tennis prowess few had ever seen.

And then she vanished.

Who had the greatest motive to kill her?

Before Cooper Chain can finally get the green light to pen his first book — a biography on a once-famous tennis phenom — he must find her. If she’s still alive.

Can secrets kill?

A man disappears into the bowels underneath the city of Dallas, and Willow Ball can’t make sense of it or the odd people she befriends. Does at least one man have an ulterior motive?

Two die the hard way, leaving Willow and Cooper scrambling to see through a haze of clues.

Can secrets kill?

Retracing every aspect of Mindi’s former life, team Ball & Chain uncover a key to her past. But will it unlock memories that create the ultimate time bomb?

The very existence of a hidden society is on the line — and one man will either force their loyalty or recreate one of the deadliest events in modern history.

Can secrets kill?

Cooper and Willow have one chance to stop the killing and save a life. But will they be too late?

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Don’t miss PREY (The Ball & Chain Thrillers Book 5)

Observation is just the first step.

Then comes the action.

And these actions will speak louder than any words. That much is certain.Someone is watching. Scrutinizing every flip of the hair, change of expression, and spoken word.
What about their aura? For Cooper Chain and Willow Ball, it was a normal weekday morning. Until the moment Cooper opens the back door.Was it just an accident? Or is an invisible force trying to eliminate Ball & Chain off the face of the Earth?Unable to let go of the memory of her father, Willow takes the lure of learning more information. But a meeting goes horribly wrong, and death is knocking on her door.Sucked into a vortex of bizarre, deathly events, Willow and Cooper struggle to fight off a never-ending series of attacks. They take one step, but someone else is always a step ahead. How can they defeat what they cannot see?But when the gauntlet is thrown down, survival takes on a whole new meaning. And that’s when Willow and Cooper come face-to-face with a force that could bury them for good.How many shapes can evil take?

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About John W. Mefford

Amazon #1 Bestselling Author, #2 bestselling author on Barnes and Noble, and a Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal winner. John W. Mefford has been writing his debut novel since he first entered the work force almost thirty years ago, although he never put words on paper until 2009. Once he started writing, however, he couldn’t stop. Many readers ask John from where he gets his ideas. Well, he’s a veteran of the corporate rat-race, a former journalist, and he’s always been an astute observer of human and social behavior. On top of that, he’s really good at embellishing. A member of International Thriller Writers, John writes novels full of electrifying suspense the same types of books he has loved to read since before he could shave. When he’s not writing, he chases his youth on bike or a basketball court, all while making mental notes of people and societies across the land.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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