Review: Onyx Webb Book 5 by Diandra Archer

Posted on November 27, 2018 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 7 Comments

This series started on a high note and five books later, it is still going strong. Onyx Webb is one of the most addictive and intriguing series I have had the pleasure to read. An easy read I devoured it in one day and I already have the next book lined up on my kindle.
In this installment, questions that arose in the previous books were answered.  We see how each of the characters’ lives intertwined despite the varying timelines.  This story provides more information as it relates to the person behind the disappearance of Juniper Cole, the girl or should I say ghost in the mirror. This person is also responsible for the string of murders that has the city in fear.  Old friends reunite and new characters introduced. Onyx faces a new threat to her existence; will she be able to circumvent this one?
The story gets more suspenseful as more strange events occur.  Once again, I was taken on a suspenseful and mysterious journey. This installment did not have the level of creepiness I have to come to expect from the series, but it never changed the dynamics of the story.
I enjoyed how the story came together. The twists and unexpected revelations kept me turning the pages as I needed to know what would happen next.

This installment delivered all I expected. Well written and with well-developed characters the story will hook you from start to finish.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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7 responses to “Review: Onyx Webb Book 5 by Diandra Archer

  1. This is the third paranomal/suspense/mystery review I’ve read this morning. I love it! Oh, I like the name Onyx! Glad to hear this is still a hit after 5 books! Great review, Nadene! 🙂

  2. RO

    Love a good suspense that keeps me guessing, and looks like your really enjoyed this one a lot! Hugs and Happy Thursday!