Break In by John W. Mefford

Posted on August 4, 2017 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 2017 new release challenge, Reviews / 23 Comments

Wow! What a ride. I enjoyed every book I have read by John  Mefford and could not wait to dive into Break IN.  True to form; Mefford delivered a fast-paced and suspenseful story filled with lots of twists and turns to keep you guessing to the end.

Ivy Nash has once again found herself embroiled in a criminal investigation, which involves kidnapping.  She is trying to secure office space when she was hired by an elderly man to locate his grandson who had been kidnapped. However, as soon as that one is found a next one was taken. Are both kidnappings related, and if so why is this man’s family being targeted?  Ivy’s determination to obtain the answers to these questions, would lead her on a road riddled with danger and have her reliving her worst nightmare.

The story started out a bit confusing. At first, I was not sure what was happening, but as I delved deeper into the story, the events became clearer. I enjoyed how the story unfolded.   Just when I thought I figured out who was behind the kidnapping, Mefford, shakes things up and I find myself re-thinking my original theory. There was enough suspense to keep me on the edge of my seat, especially near to the end when things became more intense.

As usual, I had fun with the characters.  New characters were introduced that were difficult to figure out if they were good or bad.  Of course, the truth as to who they were and their motives were not revealed until near the end. Ivy was her usual self in this installment. An advocate for unfortunate children.   I admire her strength and tenacity. She has been through a lot, but she does not intend to slow down.


Break IN was an exciting addition to the Ivy Nash series. The story was well paced, intriguing and riveting. If you enjoy thrillers that keeps you guessing from beginning to end, then you will enjoy this series.


“Rife with deceit and deception and characters that leap off the page, this story is told with confidence through a sure hand, engaging both the mind and the heart. A compelling treat.” — Steve Berry, New York Times Bestselling Author

“An intense and heart wrenching story that keeps you engaged from beginning to end.”
— Simon Wood, USA TODAY Bestselling Author of DECEPTIVE PRACTICES.

“I love the way that Mefford writes, seamlessly jumping between characters and time frames with no confusion, and he is extremely descriptive of the setting . You almost feel like you are watching a movie instead of reading a book!” — Hilary Mahoney, Elusive Red Tiger

Above reviews from An Ivy Nash Thriller, Book 1, IN Defiance

Books in the Alex Troutt Thriller Series:
AT Bay AT Large
AT Once
AT Dawn
AT Dusk
AT Last
Books in the Ivy Nash Thriller Series:
IN Defiance
IN Pursuit
IN Doubt
Break IN
Coming soon….
IN Control
IN The End


Q and A with author John W. Mefford: 

Q: What do the Ivy Nash Thrillers have to do with the Redemption Thriller Series?

JWM: The Ivy Nash Thrillers comprise the second sub-series in the Redemption Thriller Series. The Alex Troutt Thrillers are the first sub-series. While I’ll eventually write a series that connects the major characters and plots from all the sub-series, you don’t have to read the AT books prior to the IN books. But I have to say, the AT thrillers are darn good.

Q: So you’re saying you don’t have to read the Alex Troutt Thrillers before the Ivy Nash Thrillers?

JWM: Nope. While a few of the characters might occasionally overlap between the series, they can be read as stand-alone. And then I’ll wrap everything up in a final set of six novels that connects all of the main characters and stories from each sub-series. If you haven’t read any of the Alex Troutt thrillers yet, you can try out the first three at a pretty nice discount. Just search for Alex Troutt Box Set.

Q: Can you give some insight into how Ivy Nash might connect to Alex Troutt down the line?

JWM: Sure…and then I’ll send over a hit squad. Seriously, I’ll be sprinkling in a few clues along the way for those who pay close attention to the details, but it will all come together in that final six novels of the Redemption Thriller Series. And it will be explosive and gut-wrenching at the same time.

Q: How many different sub-series are you planning to have in the Redemption Thriller Series?

JWM: Right now, I see four sub-series in the Redemption Thriller Series, with six novels in each. It’s the most challenging and fulfilling creative endeavor I’ve undertaken. I hope you enjoy the journey.


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About John W. Mefford

Amazon #1 Bestselling Author, #2 bestselling author on Barnes and Noble, and a Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal winner. John W. Mefford has been writing his debut novel since he first entered the work force almost thirty years ago, although he never put words on paper until 2009. Once he started writing, however, he couldn’t stop. Many readers ask John from where he gets his ideas. Well, he’s a veteran of the corporate rat-race, a former journalist, and he’s always been an astute observer of human and social behavior. On top of that, he’s really good at embellishing. A member of International Thriller Writers, John writes novels full of electrifying suspense the same types of books he has loved to read since before he could shave. When he’s not writing, he chases his youth on bike or a basketball court, all while making mental notes of people and societies across the land.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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23 responses to “Break In by John W. Mefford

  1. Unfortunately this doesn’t sound like my cup of tea, but I’m glad you enjoyed it.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and also the interview with the author!

  2. I havent’ read this author, and this looks like a good series. I am going to research it. Thanks.

  3. Sharon Martin

    Sounds like you thoroughly loved this one and the series, can’t wait to read you review on the next book x