Posted on September 25, 2018 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 3 stars, Amazon Prime Reading, ebook, Jaymin Eve, Review, Urban Fantasy / 12 Comments

Dragon Marked by Jaymin Eve
Series: Supernatural Prison #1
Publisher: Skyscape
Published:  November 17, 2015

Genres: Urban Fantasy
Pages: 269

Format: ebook
Purchase: Amazon

Dragon Marked tells the story of Jessa an alpha wolf shifter with attitude and sass. Jessa is a firm believer in justice and would fight to the death to protect those she loves. She lives in a world where a variety of supernatural beings coexists with each other. However, like the human world there are persons who seek power at any cost, as Jessa would discover when her close friends, protectors and future council members being framed for murder.

Amid dealing with the threat to her friends, she discovers she has a twin sister and that they both were Dragon Marked, which meant she was in danger if discovered. This discovery would render changes she never expected.   

Jessa’s best friends and protectors are quadruplet brothers destined to be leaders of the supernatural council when they turned 25. Braxton a Dragon shifter, Maximus a vampire, Tyson a wizard and Jacob a fey. They were friends since childhood and throughout the years; their protective streak as it relates to Jesse grew tenfold. Their desire to protect her will prove a blessing when she learned what being Dragon Marked meant.

Now based on all of this I expected an exciting and suspenseful story.  However, it did not deliver as expected. I found the story predictable and so the excitement and suspense I expected was lacking.

Based on the route the author took It was clear that a connection existed between Jesse and one of her best friends/protector. The author kept hinting on it, but she never built on it.

The main characters would be considered adults as they are in their early twenties; however, their actions were more in line with teenagers. Recklessness and stubbornness made up their personality traits. The most levelheaded person among the group of supernaturals was Braxton. Jessa despite her penchant for justice and fighting for those she loved had a stream of recklessness, which placed her in some precarious positions. She acts without thinking things through.

I found the world interesting. Here we have a group who lives in a world without humans. They have their own schools, prisons and government. It mimicked the human world with a few exceptions. There was no need for the use of currency and hospitals, but like the human world, there was a power struggle.  This is a world where the offspring of a supernatural may not necessarily share the characteristics of their parents.

My biggest peeve with the story is the amount of time spent reminding me of Jessa’s love for food.  I get that she loved good, but no need to remind in every chapter.


Although this installment did not provide me with the suspense, action and romance, I expected I am looking forward to reading book two. Based on the ending of Dragon Marked, I am expecting the events in book two to be exhilarating.

As a wolf shifter with razor-sharp senses, Jessa Lebron can perceive the slightest change in the air. And her lupine instincts go into overdrive right before her mother, who abandoned her years ago, returns to the pack bearing secrets that change everything.
The biggest secret of all: Jessa is dragon marked, a designation that places her in grave danger. The dragon marked are destined to resurrect the dragon king, a fearsome ancient warmonger. And they must be eliminated.
Soon Jessa is locked up in Vanguard, the notorious paranormal prison that houses criminal vampires, feys, and magic users. Thankfully, she’s not alone: Braxton Compass, her best friend and a dragon shifter, has her back. Jessa and Braxton must find a way to free themselves and the rest of the dragon marked. But can her pack mates help her stop the dragon king before his deadly return?
Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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12 responses to “BOOK REVIEW: DRAGON MARKED by JAYMIN EVE #UrbanFantasy

  1. I don’t know, reckless characters acting like teens and unfollowed threads. It is a shame because I like the premise. I will wait to see how book two is received after all, the first Kate Daniels book was a three for me.

  2. RO

    I just noticed your Reader Rank which is pretty impressive! That’s a lot of reading! I’m not too sure if this book would work for me, but it sounds like the next one may be a keeper. Happy Wednesday and Hugs…RO

  3. Debbie Haupt

    Sometimes book 1 in a new series falls short because there is so much to create. But I too like the sound of this. Thanks Nadene