Posted on September 3, 2017 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Monthly Wrap-up / 16 Comments

The month August was a fantastic month as far as reading was concerned. I read a total of  thirteen (13) books. In the process I discovered some gems and a few new to me authors.
Here is a list of the books read.


New to Me Authors
Hannah Fielding
Natalia Schellhaas
Freda Hansburg
Favourite Book
Books Acquired in August
Books Purchased


New Release – 54/60
Netgalley/Edelweiss – 18/25
Blogger Shame – 8/30
COYER Summer – 31/30
Goodreads 92/130
I am participating in September is for sequels challenge hosted by  Lisa Loves Literature.
The link up 
I am linking up to Reading Month in review hosted by The Book Date.
Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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16 responses to “READING MONTH IN REVIEW

  1. sarabara081 @ Forever 17 Books

    What a great reading month! My August was a total fail but I’m hoping September works better for me. So many of yours are new to me so I’ll have to check them out! 🙂

  2. Great to have had such a good reading month with some new authors. Aren’t there so many out there waiting to be discovered by we readers! I have read Ilona Andrews and I think Melissa Foster from your list.

  3. Oh wow, awesome! Lots of books. You seem to have had a great month, reading wise. Wildfire is one of the books I’m planning to read this month, Thanks for your awesome recommendations. I hope you have a wonderful week. Happy reading. ?

  4. what a great month you have had here. I am really excited for True To You and what a cover for Shalvis’ book right? I will be reading Wildfire soon. Just started White Hot 🙂