Review: Flowers on the Wall by Mary J. Williams

Posted on August 3, 2017 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 4 stars, Adult Contemporary Romance, Mary J. Williams, Quirky Blind Date / 11 Comments

Title: Flowers On The Wall
Author: Mary J. Williams
Series: Hart of Rock and Roll #1
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Indie
Published: August 31, 2016 
Pages: 245
Format: ebook
Source: Author via Quirky Blind Date
Reading Challenges:  COYER
Buy :  Amazon 


Ryder Hart
Rock God
Wounded Soul

Quinn Abernathy
Healer of Souls

Ryder Hart came up the hard way. From his childhood, to scratching his way to
the top of the charts. Every moment was a struggle. Now that he’s made it,
nothing is taking him down. Not even a secret so dark it invades his dreams and
haunts his waking hours.

Quinn Abernathy’s hunger for success is no less than Ryder’s. If she wants to
succeed in the highly competitive world of photography, she can’t let anything, or
anyone, get in her way. Until Ryder. He makes her long for more than she ever
thought possible.

Music is Ryder’s life. There isn’t room for a woman like Quinn Abernathy.
A woman who asks for nothing but wants it all.

Grab this stand-alone novel now.

This is my first time reading Mary J. Williams work and it will not be my last.  I first became aware of the author when I received this book from the Quirky Blind Date group.  Flowers on the Wall is a story about friendships, love, loss and healing.
I received this book as part of the Quirky Blind Date, so I went into this book with limited expectations.
Flowers on the Wall tells the story of International Rock star Ryder Hart and up and coming photographer Quinn Abernathy.  Quinn received the coveted assignment to photograph the members of Ryder’s band for a feature in the magazine.  This was the boost her career needed. To survive in the competitive world of photography she could not afford any distractions.  However, Ryder Hart would prove her biggest distraction.
The one thing that get Ryder’s juices flowing is the music, but that was until he met Quinn who made him long for things he never thought possible.
The prologue, which set the pace of the rest of the book, grabbed my attention form the first line. After that intense and gripping start, I eagerly proceeded to read the rest of the story, as I was keen to discover how the story would unfold.
I enjoyed how the romance developed. Quinn and Ryder’s chemistry was explosive. I was glad they were not quick to jump each other bones, even though they wanted to. Quinn has a job to do, and she was determined not to allow her intense attraction to Ryder to distract her.  Ryder however hopes that she gives in to the attraction. The romance, which is hot an intense was adequately paced, which was refreshing.
Ryder’s backstory was heart-breaking. I appreciated how the author tied the events from his past to his current life. This allowed me to establish a connection with him.  Both he and Quinn were real. I believed in their relationship.  Ryder was conflicted about his feelings for Quinn, which was understandable given his past. Because his life before fame was filled with pain and disappointments, he believes he is not capable of loving anyone, but this was far from the truth. His propensity to love was highlighted in his interaction with sister and friends. 
 I admired Ryder’s fight to survive his past.  Music saved him but Quinn completed him.
The secondary characters completed the story. They provided humour, insights, advice and jealousy. Ashe, one of Ryder’s band mates intrigued me. I would love to know his story. 
The story lacked drama, which was not a bad thing. However, I was hoping the author would have elaborated on Alden, the band’s manager and his jealousy towards Quinn.
Overall, I enjoyed this story.  If you’re looking for something new to read and you love rock star romance, then you should add this to your list.
Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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