Review: Butterfly BY Sammie J

Posted on January 13, 2015 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 0 Comments

What can I say about this book? I have read all the books written by this author and this is by far her best.  It was awesome and completely captivating. I felt compelled to keep reading as I  wanted to see how the story would unfold.
Butterfly is a bittersweet story of love, healing and forgiveness.  The story depicts that love can be found in the most unusual places at a time when you least expect it.   All may seem hopeless, but if we hold on to our faith and never lose hope one will survive.
The story focused on Evie Reynolds, a young girl who fancies herself in love and believes her feelings were reciprocated.  It was easy to relate to her in this regard. I am sure some of us at one time in our lives went through such a phase.  Evie discovered she was all alone in her feelings when her boyfriend at the time framed her for a crime she had no part  in. Her only guilty was being in the wrong place at the wrong time.   Despite her innocence, she received a prison sentence.  The horrors she faced had her giving up hope of survival, but then an unexpected miracle gave her a reason to live and to turn her life around.
Evie is the type of heroine that will endear herself into the reader’s heart.  She is strong, resilient and feisty.  She was not willing to allow her time in prison to break her spirit. I like the writing style. It provided great insight into the
character’s emotions.  It made it easy to see everything through their eyes. I felt all their emotions. I laughed and
cried with them. I was glad to see Evie grow from a defiant adolescent to a mature young woman who is able to deal with the issues in her life and face her enemies head on. She evolved from a pupa to a beautiful butterfly.
A beautifully written story that captured my heart from start to finish.  I highly recommend that you get yourself a copy and read it.

About Sammie J.

Sammie J loves to read, and through her own dreams, her stories have started to take form. She finally decided to write things down when her dreams kept repeating every night, and she hasn’t stopped since.
She finds time to write while also being a stay-at-home mum to four children, who love to help her choose names for her characters. Her biggest supporter is her husband, who will talk to her about her stories, and he isn’t shy about giving her criticism. Sammie J likes to think she has a wicked sense of humour, and she hopes it comes through in her books to her readers. If she can make you laugh, then her job is done, and she feels complete.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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