Review: The Marauder by Bella Di Corte

Posted on December 8, 2020 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 17 Comments

I enjoyed the first book in the Gangs of New York series and although I had high expectations, but I didn’t expect that the author would step up her game in the second book. Wow! What a ride. Marauder delivered all I expected and more. I would recommend you read the series in order as the story because of the interconnection between the timeline and the characters. The timeline for this installment runs concurrently with that of Machiavellian, the first book in the series.

I first met the Keely and Cashel aka Cash in Machiavellian and from that moment I recognized the sizzling chemistry between them. They intrigued me and I could wait to know their story. They were like fire and ice, with Keely being the fire which would melt Cash’s icy heart. Known as the marauder, Cash sets out to destroy his enemy, but to do so he would need to steal Keely’s heart, making her the pawn in his game of revenge. The marauder, however, underestimated the power of the archer, the only woman who had the skill to shoot the arrow of love straight through his heart.

I enjoyed getting to know principal characters. Their likes, dislikes, and what drove them. Kelly found herself in a world she wouldn’t have voluntarily entered, but to keep those she loved safe, she accepted her fate. However, she was not one to do so without a fight. I loved her fiery attitude, her independent spirit, and the way she cared about her friends and family. Not to mention she was a total badass with a bow and arrow and the perfect match for Cash.

Cash lived up to his reputation and name. A man on a mission determined to preserve his father’s legacy and avenge his death. He feared no one except Keely of course and took no prisoners.

The story made me laughed, sighed and swooned. It delivered a mixture of suspense, action and drama. It had several twists, but the biggest one of all left me in a daze. I loved that it wasn’t too dark and I enjoyed the ending. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

If you love mafia romance, mixed with suspense, drama and action, then The Marauder would be a great addition to your library. 


Favourite Quotes

His lack of listening to music in the car, at one point, had made me think he wasn’t a detective at all but maybe a serial killer. I mean, who doesn’t listen to music in the car? Even on low in the background?


“Maybe you don’t know much about matters of the heart, when it comes to the opposite sex, but the day I met her, I knew it right away. She was mine. She hated me too much, and that only means one thing. Deep down, she likes me. She’s infatuated with me. The bad boy she thinks she can change.” I almost laughed at that. A bad boy was someone who did stupid shit. I was a dangerous man who made smart moves.


“One thing to keep in mind,” he said. “A woman’s heart was designed with thievery in mind—it was designed so that it couldn’t be tampered with. Not even by the best marauder around. You turn the stolen key, or pick the lock, and it might be your heart she claims.”


“We’ll see how much you hate that forked devil’s tongue when it’s making you speak in languages you never knew you had.”

Story Evaluation
World Building
Writing Style
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star


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About Bella Di Corte

Bella Di Corte writes criminal romance that will steal your heart. She brings to life stories of men who walk the line between irredeemable and savable, and the women who force them to feel. She’s known for her rich world building and strong characters. She’s also an International Bestselling Author. Apart from writing, Bella loves to spend time with her husband, daughter, family, and four dogs. She also loves to read, listen to music, cook recipes that were passed down to her, and take photographs. She loves to connect with readers, so don’t hesitate to fill out this form if you’d like to reach out. She’s also on Facebook & Instagram (where she attempts to show off the previously mentioned photos). Bella was born and raised in New Orleans, a place she considers a creative playground.

To learn more about Bella & her books, visit here

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17 responses to “Review: The Marauder by Bella Di Corte

  1. kate

    Great review! This isn’t my usual subgenre, but that guy on the cover has be considering… ?

  2. Karen Hitt Siddall

    I love it when book 2 surpasses the first book in a series I enjoyed! Nice review!

  3. Karen Hitt Siddall

    I love it when book 2 surpasses the first book in a series I enjoyed! Nice review!