Review: Emerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews

Posted on September 25, 2020 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 19 Comments

I had a wonderful time with this installment of the Hidden Legacy series. I have been enjoying the series from the start and so I was ecstatic at the opportunity to read Emerald Blaze. Did I have high expectations, yes without a doubt and it didn’t fail me. I enjoyed every moment spent revisiting the characters and the magical world the authors created. What a blast.

The story began on an interesting note and intensified as it progressed.  The previous book ended with Alessandro leaving to pursue his quest for revenge, which left Catalina heart broken. Now he has returned to protect her from whoever wants her dead. While he is protecting her from danger, she will be safe guarding her heart.
I loved these two together. I enjoyed their passionate interactions and the non-stop action they frequently faced.

Catalina has shown immense growth throughout the series. Her position as the new head of Baylor House allowed her to show her efficiency and capabilities as a leader.  I loved her take charge attitude and the way she allowed no one to intimidate her. Regarding Alessandro, I had a wonderful time uncovering the mystery of who he was and learning what made him tick.

 Although the characters shares a moment of passion the romance was not the focal point of the story. The authors made the main characters’ feelings for each other known, but they do not give readers a front seat view as it relates to the development of the romance. For me this was not an issue as I was too busy hanging on the edge of my seat as the characters faced danger at every turn. The magic, action and suspense were superbly woven together to create an intense and exciting read.

It was good to get answers as it relates to Nevada’s decision to abdicate her role as head of the Baylor House. The story ended on a happy note, leaving me smiling from ear to ear. The epilogue though hinted that there is more to come and I for one can’t wait to discover what next this brilliant duo has in-store for their readers.

If you are looking for an action packed, fast-paced and magical read then I highly recommend the Hidden Legacy series.



Story Evaluation
World Building
Writing Style
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
[bctt tweet=”Emerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews delivered an action-packed and suspenseful story, which takes the reader on a magical journey where the characters battle and take down monsters. #urbanfantasy #magical #hiddenlegacy #newrelease” username=”TtlyAdd2Reading”]

About Ilona Andrews

Ilona Andrews is the pseudonym for a husband-and-wife writing team. Ilona is a native-born Russian and Gordon is a former communications sergeant in the U.S. Army. Contrary to popular belief, Gordon was never an intelligence officer with a license to kill, and Ilona was never the mysterious Russian spy who seduced him. They met in college, in English Composition 101, where Ilona got a better grade. (Gordon is still sore about that.) Gordon and Ilona currently reside in Oregon with their two children, three dogs and a cat. They have co-authored two series, the bestselling urban fantasy of Kate Daniels and romantic urban fantasy of The Edge.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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19 responses to “Review: Emerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews

  1. Tamara

    I thought this installment was super cute! A fast read as are all of the books in this series. Great review, thanks!

  2. Action packed reads are great, particularly when magic/fantasy is involved! So glad you loved this instalment, I feel like I really need to start reading Ilona Andrews’ books . . .

  3. Katiria Rodriguez

    Amazing review, I absolutely love Urban Fantasy books and this book series looks and sounds absolutely fantastic and right up my alley too. I am really glad you fully enjoyed reading this book. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

  4. I haven’t read Sapphire Flames yet, but I am planning on it soon. I just love the way this duo writing team has written these books. They are so fascinating. Glad you loved it.

    Lovely review