Review: Diamond Fire by Ilona Andrews

Posted on January 2, 2019 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 2019 New Release Challenge, COYER Winter, Reviews / 8 Comments

The story began with Nevada panicking about meeting her future mother-in-law. We see Catalina being asked by Alessandro to go for a ride. She is refusing, as she believes her magic is responsible for his being attentive to her.
Fast forward two months and two weeks later Catalina and Arabella are planning Nevada’s wedding. In the midst of the planning, Connor’s mom approaches Catalina requesting she locate the tiara she wants Nevada to wear at the wedding. She believes a member of her family is responsible for it being missing. What follows is a tale of intrigue as Catalina digs deep and uses her magic, something she has avoided for fear of its adverse effects on persons, but drastic times call for drastic measures. To save her sister’s wedding she will have to wield the big guns.
I enjoyed seeing Catalina in action. She can surely hold her own. She is definitely not someone to mess around with, as one particular wedding guest would discover.
I also enjoyed meeting Rogan’s mom. She is awesome. The way she embraced Nevada and her family was heartwarming.
Diamond Fire is a well-written story filled with fun moments that had me smiling from ear to ear. Betrayal, greed and hate was centre stage. I could not wait to know who wanted to sabotage the wedding. It was a delight watching Catalina uncover the treachery.
This is a great addition to the series. I eagerly await the next full-length novel, as I would love more information on Catalina. This is not one to miss.

About Ilona Andrews

Ilona Andrews is the pseudonym for a husband-and-wife writing team. Ilona is a native-born Russian and Gordon is a former communications sergeant in the U.S. Army. Contrary to popular belief, Gordon was never an intelligence officer with a license to kill, and Ilona was never the mysterious Russian spy who seduced him. They met in college, in English Composition 101, where Ilona got a better grade. (Gordon is still sore about that.) Gordon and Ilona currently reside in Oregon with their two children, three dogs and a cat. They have co-authored two series, the bestselling urban fantasy of Kate Daniels and romantic urban fantasy of The Edge.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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