Review: A Sweet Mess by Jayci Lee

Posted on July 30, 2020 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 18 Comments

A Sweet Mess by Jayci Lee highlighted how important communication was in any relationship. If only the characters featured in this book had communicated with each other, they could have avoided half the problems encountered in this story. With that being said, this proved to be a sweet story involving food (I am sure I packed on some pounds just reading about all those baked goodies) and romance.

The story introduces Aubrey and Landon, two driven, ambitious and compassionate characters who shared a love for food. Aubrey specialised in baking, while Landon was a well-known food critic.

The banter between the main and secondary characters was fun and cute. I especially enjoyed Aubrey’s interaction with her best friend, Tara. Tara was what one would call the life of the party.

I am on the fence as it relates to the romance. I loved the outcome which I found sweet and adorable, but I was not a fan of the journey it took to get there. The many obstacles in the form of abandonment and daddy issues, failure to communicate, pride and cowardice proved to be the major hindrances in their journey to a happily ever after. Landon did something that had me fuming, and frankly I thought Aubrey should have made him grovel a lot more. I never felt the connection between them. I believe that the fact that the reader was told of the chemistry between the characters instead of it being showed was a contributing factor.

The story featured the POVs of both main characters, which I had no issue with. However, what I found frustrating was the there was no warning when a change in the POVs occurred, therefore it took me awhile to figure out which of the character’s POV I was reading. The fact that this was an ARC may have been a contributing factor to the confusion surrounding the change in POVs. I sure hope that is the case.

I had hope to love this book, but unfortunately I have to settle for liking it. Would I read more from this author, maybe?

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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18 responses to “Review: A Sweet Mess by Jayci Lee

  1. Just read one where the issues with the couple could have been fixed by a good conversation and swapping POVs would be very distracting. The foodie background for both does sound great. I’ve got the second book in another series by the author for review and it’s in the business world.

  2. kate

    Sorry it wasn’t perfect for you. Lack of communication, especially due to characters not getting over their senses or pride, can bother me too.

  3. I liked this more than other people. I will admit, I wasn’t a fan of the initial conflict, but I enjoyed their time filming and I loved the ending.

  4. Lindy Gomez

    I am a foodie, so this sounds appealing. I love great banter and that the ending delivered. However, I get really frustrated when most of the characters problems stem from a lack of communication. I’m glad you enjoyed it overall Nadene 🙂

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  5. This is the issue I have with a lot of dual or multiple POV books. You think you are reading the thoughts of one character when actually there has been a switch with no notice and the book becomes confusing, or a switch at a random time. Great review.

  6. Debbie Haupt

    Great cover and blurb but it sounds like it fell a bit short for you Nadene

  7. I always enjoy books where you get both POVs. It makes me feel special to know what’s going on before the characters do LOL 🙂

  8. LadyInRead

    i know i wanted to read this but not sure if i added it to my list.. loved the cover.. and sorry it did not fully meet your expectations