Review: Verity by Colleen Hoover

Posted on March 22, 2019 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 14 Comments

Verity: Something that is true, as a principle, belief, idea or statement. At what point does one separate fact from fiction? Which, version of the truth is the correct one? These questions came to mind after I finished this latest offering from Colleen Hoover. This is my second time reading her work and I must say this woman is brilliant. She knows how to engage her fans and keep them coming back for more. To say I am in a state of shock is an understatement. Up to this point, I am still not sure what the hell I just read. All I can say is that this is one story I am not sure I will forget anytime soon. Unpredictable, chilling and suspenseful are the most fitting words to describe this tale.

I have to admit this story elicited varying emotions. There were moments when I had to know what next was coming and there were those instances where I feared knowing what would unfold.

However, my curiosity stomped all over my fears and I found myself devouring every word.

The complexity of the characters was what made this story so shocking. Their thoughts, decisions and actions were compelling, which made it difficult for me to figure out who was the villain in the story.

Then that ending, OMG! Who would have thought? I do not consider it a cliff hanger. This an ending where the reader can draw their own conclusion.

Verity depicts an author’s power to make their readers believe their written words, be it fact or fiction. I for one believed what I read until that twist at the end, which had me doubting everything I had originally believed. Now I am left wondering what was the real truth.

Verity is the most disturbing yet entertaining book I have read in a long time. If you enjoy stories that messes with your mind and have you questioning what is real and what is not then you are likely to enjoy Verity.

About Colleen Hoover

Colleen Hoover is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of several novels, including the bestselling women’s fiction novel It Ends with Us and the bestselling psychological thriller Verity. She has won the Goodreads Choice Award for Best Romance three years in a row—for Confess (2015), It Ends with Us (2016), and Without Merit (2017). Confess was adapted into a seven-episode online series. In 2015, Hoover and her family founded the Bookworm Box, a bookstore and monthly subscription service that offers signed novels donated by authors. All profits go to various charities each month to help those in need. Hoover lives in Texas with her husband and their three boys.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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14 responses to “Review: Verity by Colleen Hoover

  1. Lindy Gomez

    Colleen Hoover is one of my auto-buy authors. This book sounds excellent with all of the suspense surprises, complex characters, and how it make you think about truth. Wonderful Review Nadene!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  2. RO

    Well, I just managed to snag this from the local library, and can’t wait to read. Thanks again! Hugs…RO

  3. I heard this is very different for her. I might give it a go. I didn’t like her romances ;/ so many this will change my mind

  4. RO

    Wow! I love a good thriller that keeps me on my toes, and you really make me want to run out to grab this right away!!! Thanks a bunch!!! Happy National Goof Off Day! RO

  5. Can you believe that I have not read Colleen Hoover yet? This will be the book that I think will finally change that fact. I am so glad you enjoyed this one as much as you did.

  6. Your reaction has me scrambling to add this to the wish list. Just wow! I have read a few with a final twist at the end that left me rushing to reread right away to see how knowing the end altered everything.

    Great review, Nadene!