BOOK REVIEW: RAVEN by STACEY ROURKE #UrbanFantasy #Paranormal

Posted on October 11, 2017 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in ebook, Kindle Unlimited, legends saga, paranormal, Stacy Rourke, Urban Fantasy / 0 Comments

Title: Raven
Author: Stacey Rourke 
Series: Legends Saga #2
Publisher:  Indie
Published: November 8th, 2016
Genre:  Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 304
Format: eBook 
Source: Purchased
Buy: Amazon 

Raven by Stacey Rourke is the second book in the Legends Saga. After reading Crane I was eager to see how things would unfold for Ireland. Based on my experience with Crane, I went into this instalment with high expectations. Unlike the story of Ichabod Crane, which I was familiar with, Edgar Allan Poe on the other hand was a mystery. However, after conducting a mini research I was keen to discover the twist the author would put on the legendary Poe.
What the Story is About.
In this instalment we see Ireland, Noah and Rip Van Winkle heading to New York to get answers about the tattoo on Ireland’s hand and who was behind the curse of the headless horseman. In their journey through the city they cross paths with Ridley who is afflicted with his own curse that of the essence of Edgar Allan Poe. He joins forces with the crew to help them in their quest for answers. In the process they encounter hostile spirits, and Ridley is forced to use his newfound gifts/curse to help Ireland and her friends as they battle their greatest challenge to date. 
My Views
Like the previous instalment story is narrated in two different timelines. The present-day timeline features Ireland, Noah, Rip and Ridley. The one in past focuses on Poe and Lenore. In this timeline Poe has been cursed. When he touches the dead, they come back to life, but not in a good way. He also has the ability to communicate with spirits. He is unable to live a normal life because of his affliction. His death, however did not mean the end of the curse, instead it passed down his ancestral line bringing us to Ridley in the current timeline.
I enjoyed narration from Poe’s timeline in comparison the one involving Ireland and her friends. I found Poe and Lenore’s timeline intriguing and that aspect of the story was the reason I did not give upon the story. The current timeline featured several POVs, and I had a hard time keeping up as a result I found myself disconnected from this aspect of the story. The poor editing did not help. There was misspelling and poor punctuation on almost all the pages.
I had a hard time connecting with Ridley. I had no knowledge of him, beyond the fact he was a descendant of Poe. I expected to learn more about him, seeing he played an important role in this instalment. However, this was not the case. I understood his purpose in the current events, but as an individual he did not standout.
There was one aspect of the story where I found myself thinking what the hell just happened! It had to do with Rip and his younger self as a ghost. In the scheme of things this scene was contrived and I could not fathom what was its value to the story.
I wanted to like this instalment, but unfortunately it missed the mark for me. However, don’t let my review deter you from reading this one, who knows you may enjoy it more than I did. Going by the reviews I have seen, it would appear I am among the minority in my disappointment with Raven. I do plan to read the final book as I am keen to know what next is in store for Ireland. 

An infamous love, destined nevermore,
For death could not claim, the enchanting Lenore.

Cursed by the malevolent spirit of the Headless Horseman, Ireland Crane ventures to Manhattan in search of a way to break her soul crushing bond. Instead, she discovers the lines between fact and fiction are blurring once more. Croaking ravens. Telltale hearts. Could the works of Poe be coming to pass with handsome Wall Street Midas Ridley Peolte as their unwilling target?

She walks the Earth, a plague on mankind,
searching for he, her rotted heart doth pine.

Together, the two unknowingly release a dark force death itself could not tame. Surrounded by the unrelenting violence and mayhem they’ve unleashed, Ireland feels her control over the Horseman slipping. Before the beast within consumes her, she and her crew must follow the clues of the dead to right a centuries’ old wrong. Will it be enough to sate the Horseman’s appetite?

Hell hath no fury like a ghoul scorned.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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