Posted on May 16, 2017 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Guest Post / 11 Comments

Today I have the pleasure of hosting Ashley Farley author of the bestselling Sweeney Sisters Series and Sweet Tea Tuesdays on my blog. Today she will be discussing how writing helped her to discover her voice.

Sweeney Sister Series


Sweet Tea Tuesdays

Three friends met every Tuesday for twenty-six years. And then they stopped.

From the author of the bestselling Sweeney Sisters Series comes a novel of friendship, family and hope….

When new next-door neighbors Georgia, Midge, and Lula first assembled on Georgia’s porch in Charleston for sweet tea, they couldn’t have known their gathering was the beginning of a treasured tradition. For twenty-six years they have met on Tuesdays at four o’clock, watching the seasons change and their children grow up, supporting each other in good times and in bad. With their ambitions as different as their personalities, these best friends anticipate many more years of tea time. And then, one Tuesday, Georgia shares news that brings their long-standing social hour to an abrupt halt. And that’s only the beginning as unraveling secrets threaten to alter their friendship forever
How Writing Helped Me Discover My Voice
By Ashley Farley
Until I became a writer, I never considered myself much of a story teller. Not like the people you encounter at parties who entertain the crowd with their lively tales. I shied away from public speaking.
 My words would get tangled on my tongue and my voice would tighten.

 Fifteen years ago, I turned to writing as a way of coping with my grief from after my brother’s death. If you’ve never tried it, getting your thoughts out of your head and onto paper has amazing healing powers. I highly recommend keeping a journal. I’ve always been an avid reader and habitual daydreamer.

 My search for more avenues to express my feelings through writing led me to an online program where I immediately entered Novel Writing 101. I’m a passionate person with a lot to say. I just needed to find a way to say it that fits within my comfort zone. I will never be that person holding court at parties with humorous stories and anecdotes, but I can hold my own in front of a small group of women. It’s easy to share a topic with others when you love it as much as I love my self-publishing career. 

Through my characters, I’m able to express emotions I’ve held inside of me for much of my life. Self-publishing allows me to nurture my creative side not only through the writing process, but also through the graphic design side of marketing. It took me fifty years to discover my voice. I often think about what I could’ve accomplished if I’d recognized my love for writing at a younger age, but then I remind myself that better later than never. Things usually work out the way they’re meant to. 

As it happened, my new career came at a time in my life when I needed direction, when I was yearning for something that belonged solely to me—a part of myself that I don’t have to share with my husband or my children. 

So, my message to you is to never give up on your quest for that thing, a career or a hobby, that completes you, that gives you the confidence to discover your voice. 

Ashley Farley

Ashley Farley writes books about women for women. Her characters are mothers, daughters, sisters, and wives facing real-life issues. Her goal is to keep you turning the pages until the wee hours of the morning. If her story stays with you long after you’ve read the last word, then she’s done her job.

After her brother died in 1999 of an accidental overdose, she turned to writing as a way of releasing her pent-up emotions. She wrote SAVING BEN in honor of Neal, the boy she worshipped, the man she could not save.
Ashley is a wife and mother of two young adult children. While she’s lived in Richmond, Virginia for the past 21 years, part of her heart remains in the salty marshes of the South Carolina Lowcountry where she grew up. Through the eyes of her characters, she’s able to experience the moss-draped trees, delectable cuisine, and kind-hearted folks with lazy drawls that make the area so unique. 
Her newest book, SWEET TEA TUESDAYS, just published May 3, and has been receiving great reviews. For more information about Ashley and her writing, visit You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.
Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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11 responses to “GUEST POST: ASHLEY FARLEY

  1. Thanks for sharing this. I found this to be very inspiring, I have toyed with writing for years now, maybe I will finally start that book.

  2. “So, my message to you is to never give up on your quest for that thing, a career or a hobby, that completes you, that gives you the confidence to discover your voice.” I LOVE this part. The reason I started blogging actually. For some, it might be a waste of time activity but for me it is my passion, since reading and books are what I love the most.

    Thanks for sharing this, Nadene. I’ll check out her books. ???

  3. Wow. Awesome It is so nice to see she found a new path. I will look up her books. Thank for sharing.