BOOK REVIEW: Haunted by the King of Death

Posted on August 19, 2016 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 5 stars, COYER Reading Challenge, Eternal Mates, Felicity Heaton, Paranormal Romance, Review / 0 Comments

Title: Haunted by the King of Death 
Author: Felicity Heaton 
Series: Eternal Mates #11 
Publisher: Felicity Heaton
Published : July 30, 2016 
Genres: Paranormal Romance 
Pages: 277 
Format: eARC 
Source: Author 

A ruthless vampire warrior, Grave Van der Garde rules the mercenary Preux Chevaliers with an iron fist, determined to retain his hard-won position as one of the most powerful men in Hell and his reputation as the heartless King of Death. But beneath the cold façade beats the heart of a vampire torn between love and hate, ripped in two directions by a single ethereally beautiful female—his fated phantom mate.
Driven by her phantom instincts, Isla used a spell to make her solid in order to deceive the vampire who killed her sister’s demon mate and have revenge on him, condemning him with a single kiss to become a phantom too. But her plan took an unexpected turn when she fell in love with him, and with her new life, and the night she betrayed him shattered both of their hearts. Now, he lives to make her suffer through their connection, one that is fading with them as they begin to slip into the phantom world, and she must face the monster she created if she is to save herself and the vampire she still loves.
With a demon from Grave’s past determined to destroy him and everything he holds dear, and the clock ticking down to their inevitable doom, can he and Isla overcome their past and their pride to work together to secure the future they both desire deep in their hearts? Or will death finally catch up with the vampire king and his phantom mate?
I have been a fan of this awesome and engaging series from the start. I have enjoyed all the books thus far and this installment was no different. This is the eleventh book in the series, and it’s my belief that it has more to offer. There are other characters who I believe are clamouring to have their story told. If I were to choose which of the books were my favourite, I would have to say without a doubt that Haunted by the King of Death is my number one choice.
This installment took a different turn from the previous books. From the outset, the series focused on the main characters finding their eternal mate. However, in this story, the main characters already knew that they were destined for each other. They had a history which resulted in them not wanting anything to do with each other in the present. However, unfortunate circumstances will re-unite them and they will find themselves in a battle for their lives against a common enemy.
One of my favourite things about this series is the unusual pairings of the main characters. Can you imagine a vampire mating with a phantom? Probably not, however, Ms. Heaton brought the concept across so convincingly that they ended up being my favourite couple of the series.
Isla and Grave are complex and intriguing characters. I was immediately drawn into their world. At first, Grave came off as a cold-hearted vampire. However, as the story progressed it was evident that this was not the case. He had a certain persona to maintain as a mercenary/assassin for hire. He could not allow his enemies to know that there was a softer side to him. Isla was no walkover. She proved to be a formidable opponent and a loyal friend, sister, and mate. The events of their past made for an interesting read and it helped me to appreciate them more.
Like all the previous books, Haunted by the King of Death is filled with action and lots of steamy intimate moments. Once again Ms. Heaton has proven why she is my number one favourite when it comes to paranormal romance. This is an addictive story that demonstrates that true love transcends time and space. Genuine love does not fade with time. When you truly love someone, no matter the time apart or the distance from each other your feelings will not change.
This is such a great addition to the series. I can’t wait to see what next Ms. Heaton has in store for her fans.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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