Posted on June 10, 2016 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 0 Comments


Book  Seven
Candace Blevins
Genre:  MC, Bikers, Werewolves,
PNR, Bad Boys

Publisher:  Excessica
Date of Publication:  May 13, 2016
Word Count: 105,300
Cover Artist:  Syneca Featherstone
Book Description:
Gonzo has not only had to come to terms with the loss of his entire family, but he also barely survived being shot in the chest multiple times while still a human, and was then later turned into a werewolf during a vicious attack while hiking as he tried to put his life back together.
Constance has had her own losses to deal with, and while nowhere near as bad as Gonzo’s, they’ve left a mark on her as well. She’s determined to live her life without a partner though, because her two sexual experiences in college convinced her she’s asexual.
Gonzo’s a biker people cross the road to avoid, while Constance has multiple doctorate degrees and works as a research scientist for a leading pharmaceutical firm. Gonzo doesn’t trust women, Constance has no use for men — and yet they’re going to find themselves working toward the same goals.
Can they form a team to do what needs to be done?
Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Book Seven, can be read as a stand-alone
About the Author:
Candace Blevins lives with her husband of 18 years and their two daughters. When not working or driving kids all over the place she can be found reading, writing, meditating, or swimming.
Candace writes Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Contemporary BDSM Romance, and is currently writing a kick-ass Motorcycle Club series.
Her urban fantasy series, Only Human, gives us a world where weredragons, werewolves, werelions, three different species of vampires, as well as a variety of other mythological beings exist.
Candace’s two paranormal romance series, The Chattanooga Supernaturals and The Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club, are both sister series to the Only Human series, and give some secondary characters their happily ever after.
Her Safeword Series gives us characters who happen to have some extreme kinks. Relationships can be difficult enough without throwing power exchange into the mix, and her books show characters who care enough about each other to fight to make the relationship work. Each book in the Safeword series highlights a couple with a different BDSM issue to resolve. 
You can visit Candace on the web at and feel free to friend her on Facebook at and Goodreads at You can also join to get sneak peeks into what she’s writing now, images that inspire her, and the occasional juicy blurb. 
Stay up to date on Candace’s newest releases, and get exclusive excerpts by joining her mailing list!
Tour giveaway
5 copies of Brain (RTMC #2)
Other Book By Candace Blevins
Only Human series (Urban Fantasy)
  • Only Human
  • Unhuman Acts (early 2016)
  • Only Human book three, title TBA (2016)
 Chattanooga Supernaturals (Paranormal Romance)
Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club (link)
Short erotica stories from the world of The Chattanooga Supernaturals

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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