The Last Letter by Rebecca Yarros

The Last Letter

Posted on August 12, 2022 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 7 Comments

The Last Letter by Rebecca YarrosTitle: The Last Letter
Author(s): Rebecca Yarros
Published by Entangled: Amara on February 26, 2019
Pages: 426
Source: Purchase
Format: eBook
Purchase: Amazon|Audible
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne Flame

If you’re reading this, well, you know the last-letter drill. You made it. I didn’t. Get off the guilt train, because I know if there was any chance you could have saved me, you would have.
I need one thing from you: get out of the army and get to Telluride.
My little sister Ella’s raising the twins alone. She’s too independent and won’t accept help easily, but she has lost our grandmother, our parents, and now me. It’s too much for anyone to endure. It’s not fair.
And here’s the kicker: there’s something else you don’t know that’s tearing her family apart. She’s going to need help.
So if I’m gone, that means I can’t be there for Ella. I can’t help them through this. But you can. So I’m begging you, as my best friend, go take care of my sister, my family.
Please don’t make her go through it alone.

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The first book I read by Yarros moved me and had me wanting to read more of her books. A recommendation from a member of the COYER community led me to The Last Letter. She warned me of the possibility of needing a box of Kleenex. Now that was an understatement. The Last Letter by Rebecca Yarros is a poignant tale of love, pain, loss, regrets. forgiveness and healing. This story has the power to lift you while leaving you emotionally drained at the end. It will elicit laughter, but it will also cause heartbreak and lead one to shed a multitude of tears. It possesses the power to utterly destroy you, while affording you a glimpse of hope.

At the bittersweet ending of the story, I kept asking myself why did Yarros take that route. Just when I thought all would end well, she ripped the rug from under my feet. The horrible, brutal and painful twist of events came out of left field, knocked me off my feet, left me utterly bereft of words and in Only the callous of hearts would not hurt at the turn of events. I am not sure how soon I will recover, if at all.

One thing is for certain, I will not be forgetting this book soon. Amid the pain and heartbreak, there was beauty and heart in this story. The romance which developed between Ella and Beckett will warm the coldest of hearts. Its authenticity flowed from the pages. Beckett is one of the best romance heroes I have met to date. He made mistakes, and one can relate and understand his reasons for his actions. The steps he took to ensure Ella and her children were cared for warmed my heart

From the very first page, the story pulled me in. I established a connection with the characters and soon they became a part of me. Their pain, triumphs, heartbreak touched me. I loved them all, and they each earned a spot in my heart. 

Now The Last Letter is not for everyone because of the emotional punches it packs. If you are triggered by stories  with cancer and death of a child then avoid, however for readers who are affected by these triggers, then The Last Letter with it beautiful and  poignant storying would make a great addition to your reading list.


Story Evaluation
World Building
Writing Style
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

About Rebecca Yarros

Rebecca is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author of over fifteen novels, and is always ready to bring on the emotions. She’s also the recipient of the Colorado Romance Writer’s Award of Excellence for Eyes Turned Skyward from her Flight and Glory series. She loves military heroes and has been blissfully married to hers for eighteen years. She’s the mother of six children, ranging from kindergarten to law school, and is currently surviving the teenage years with two of her four hockey-playing sons. When she’s not writing, you can find her at the hockey rink or sneaking in some guitar time. She lives in Colorado with her family, their stubborn English bulldogs, feisty chinchilla, and Maine Coon kitten who rules them all. Having fostered then adopted their youngest daughter, Rebecca is passionate about helping children in the foster system through her nonprofit, One October.

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