Posted on April 2, 2016 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Book Tour, Inter-racial romance, Interview, Paranormal Romance / 2 Comments

Author: N.D. Jones
Genre: African-American, Paranormal Romance, Shape-shifter

Before trust and love can take hold, grow solid roots, and blossom into a reality larger than self, fear must be conquered and faith embraced. Yet fear of an ancient prophecy, of burning magical power, and a broken heart, Sanura Williams, psychology professor, is unprepared when Special Agent Assefa Berber enters her life, hunting a preternatural serial killer. Assefa’s intelligent, chocolate eyes and intoxicating aura signature stirs her fire spirit but frightens the woman.

In a world where all is not as it seems, Sanura and Assefa must battle the gods’ first creations – vile predators who threaten the safety of humans. Each confrontation, each bloody clash, will bring Sanura and Assefa closer to fulfilling the prophecy of being the Fire Witch and Cat of Legend – the ones who will save humanity from the Water Witch of Legend.

Death, godly magic, and physical attraction draw Sanura and Assefa to each other, but fear and faith will determine their destiny.

I am excited to have
N D Jones, author of Of Fear and Faith, here on Totally Addicted to Reading for an interview!
Thank you so much, N.D Jones, for visiting Totally Addicted to Reading! I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions.

Will you share a short bio with us?
I live in Maryland with my husband and two children. I have an M.A. in Political Science, using my degree to go into education as a teacher. I taught high for many years, eventually becoming chair of the Social Studies Department. Currently, I am a professional development specialist with a local Maryland school system, working on increasing student achievement through teacher and administrator self-efficacy. I’m also pursuing my doctorate in education in Community College Leadership. 
A desire to see more novels with positive, sexy, and three-dimensional African American characters as soul mates, friends, and lovers, inspired me to take on the challenge of penning such romantic reads. I like to read historical and paranormal romance novels, as well as comics and manga with action and heart. With a two-hour daily work commute, I’ve found audiobooks to be a great friend. I’ve “read” some of my favorite books while on the road.
Please tell me one thing about your new book that readers won’t know until they read it.

Without giving away spoilers, what readers won’t know about “Of Fear and Faith” until they read it is that it’s much more than a typical paranormal romance novel. There’s African mythology, mystery, and suspense to go along with all the magic and sexiness in the book. It’s an engaging mix I think readers will enjoy.
Where did the idea come from?

I read a lot of paranormal romance novels and comic books. I also read fanfiction. The quality of those stories run the gambit, but fanfiction writers love the characters they write about and are a loyal fan base, which I respect. For a while, I also wrote fanfiction, which was pretty cool. One of the stories I brainstormed had to do with witches, shapeshifters, and African gods. I considered writing an alternate universe story with one of my favorite comic book couples as the hero and heroine of my paranormal romance. This is the thing, I owned none of the characters I so loved crafting stories about and I was spending a lot of time on a hobby that could so easily be turned into something more productive and personal. So I decided to create my own characters, using my brainstormed idea of a witch-were-cat romance and an ancient prophecy as the starting point for my first full-length novel. From there, the story evolved into a mammoth manuscript that I eventually divided into three parts. Hence, the Death and Destiny Trilogy.
Have you written any other books that we should read next?

I wrote two novellas before writing “Of Fear and Faith.” “Fire, Fury, Faith” and “Heat, Hunt, Hope” are part of my Winged Warriors novella series about angels and demons. Recently, I worked with Amazon’s Audiobook Creation Exchange to have “Fire, Fury, Faith” turned into an audiobook, which was a new and exciting experience. I’ve recently completed “Of Beasts and Bonds,” the second novel in my Death and Destiny Trilogy. It’s isn’t yet available for purchase, but it’s my goal to have the work published by summer 2016.
If your books were turned into movies, who do you think would be suitable to play the lead roles?
I’ve answered this question a few times before, and my response changes a little each time because I don’t have a vision of that “perfect” actor and actress who could bring my story to life in an amazing and engaging way. I’m sure there are many wonderful African/African American talents who would do a superb job. I’ll name a few.

For Sanura Williams:

Shanica Knowles 

Sonequa Martin-Green

For Assefa Berber:

Lance Gross

Elijah Kelley  
What was the biggest challenge you encountered during the writing stage?
The hardest part of the writing process is the temptation to rush or shortchange a scene because I’m feeling tired or being lazy. Certain scenes, love and action scenes, for example, take a lot out of me. I know they must be written well, hitting all the emotions I’m going for and hope the reader will feel when they read the scene. For me, that takes so much more effort than writing any kind of dialogue heavy scene. I’m slow, when it comes to love and action scenes. But they are my favorite and, when done properly, turn out to be among my favorite in the book. Grit is necessary when I don’t feel like giving each scene my all. 
What genres do you write and what led to you making this choice?
I write paranormal romance. I love the sexiness of a straight forward romance, but I also like a book to have a plot beyond the main couple meeting and eventually falling in love. Integrating paranormal aspects into my novels gives me a little more to work with, as a writer. It forces me to be creative in a different way.
Do you have any advice for new and prospective writers?
Writing should be fun. I say that because, in the madness of getting published, reviewed, and noticed, it’s far too easy to forget why you wanted to become a writer. I love my stories and characters. Writing isn’t drudgery, for me. Everything that comes after finishing my manuscript takes an emotional toil, threatening to dim the glorious feeling of crafting a story that was fun to write and even better to read and enjoy. My advice to new and prospective writers is to, at all cost, write for the fun and joy of writing, not for glory, not for readers and reviewers, not even for publishers. Write because you have a story worth telling, and it brings you immense pleasure to share your story with others.

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  1. ND Jones

    Thank you, Nadene, for being a part of my first blog tour experience. I appreciate the interview and the opportunity to have “Of Fear and Faith” shared with lovers of your blog. Finally, thank you for taking the time to read and rate “Of Fear and Faith.”

    N.D. Jones