Review: The Bastard Series (Cold Hearted Bastard and Arrogant Bastard) by Jennifer Dawson

Posted on July 8, 2020 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 16 Comments

Cold-Hearted Bastard by Jennifer Dawson turned out better than I expected. This was my first foray into her world, and I loved every moment. I had wonderful time  with Jackson and Gwen’s story.

Jackson was a famous chef, but he walked away from it all, his reasons unknown to the world. Gwen is a chef and a restauranteur and she needed Jackson to come work for her and she came with all the ammunition she thought she needed to convince him to return to the world he had abandoned. However, she never counted on the sparks that ignited between them.

Jackson is a one-night stand guy. A charmer and had women falling all over him. No intention of accepting Gwen’s offer. His only interest is to bed her and get her out of his system. Easier said than done.

Some may consider Jackson to be a jerk, but I loved him. Never once did he hide his true nature. He was brutally honest with the women who he slept with, so they know what to expect. Not his fault if they broke the rules. Jackson was a complex character. There was a lot more to him than just being a man whore as the story unfolded readers learn the reason, he doesn’t allow himself to get attached.

I loved Gwen who was determined, smart, beautiful, funny and the perfect match for Jackson. It wasn’t difficult to see why Jackson fell so hard for her, despite him fighting his feelings and pushing her away every chance he got.

I was elated to see Jackson grovelling to win Gwen’s heart. I understood why he behaved the way he did, but Gwen did not deserve to be treated that way. Besides, he needed to pull his head out of his ass and cease getting in the way of his own happiness.

The secondary characters added their special flavour to the story. I am curious to learn what drives them and can’t wait to read their stories.

There was lots of sex, but it did not overshadow the story. I loved how the author struck the perfect balance. Note of warning, their relationship developed rather quickly and in no time, they were burning up the sheets and more. Despite the insta love, I enjoyed how their romance unfolded.

The ending had me smiling and tearing up at the same time. I had a fun time watching Jackson trying to win Gwen over with romantic gestures. What made appealing was the fact this did not come naturally to him, but the fact he was willing to do it scored major points in my book.


To reiterate, I found this to an enjoyable read and would definitely recommend it to fans of steamy romance.



Review: The Bastard Series (Cold Hearted Bastard and Arrogant Bastard) by Jennifer DawsonTitle: Arrogant Bastard
Author(s): Jennifer Dawson
Series: Bastard Series #2
Published by Jennifer Dawson on May 5, 2020
Pages: 320
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance
Source: Caffeinated PR
Format: eBook, ARC
Purchase: Amazon|B&N|Kobo
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Series Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne FlameOne Flame

I’m Cat McKay, and I’m in desperate need of a man.
My farm manager deserted me six weeks before our grand opening that will help put my family’s business on the map. Now I need to find a replacement, because I’m not about to be the reason we fail. Unfortunately, Caden Landry— whose arrogance, evasions and good looks rub me the wrong way—is my only option on a list of zero candidates.
So, as much as it pains me to admit it, I need him to step in and save the day. Yeah, I hate it too.
I’m Caden Landry, and I have a self-destructive streak a mile wide.
One thing is clear, I need to stay the hell away from my new boss, Cat McKay. Not an easy task, considering she’s the kind of woman I find irresistible. But I’m tired of running, tired of living paycheck to paycheck with nothing but a flatbed to my name. I’m determined this time I’m going to get my life together.
So, I’m not about to screw a golden opportunity because I can’t keep my hands off the woman in charge. This time, self-preservation will prevail.
*second book in the Bastards series, each book is a standalone and has its own HEA.

This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.


This book oozed sexual chemistry from the first page. Not to mention the sexual tension, for a moment I thought my phone would overheat from the scorching chemistry between Cat and Caden.

Having recently lost her farm manager, Cat was pushed to hire Caden to be the new farm manager. The hiring was borne from a necessity rather than a desire as Cat didn’t want to work with him, but what choice did she have and besides he came highly recommended

A man with a mysterious past, Caden proved to be a complex character. I had an interesting time peeling away his layers and learning what made him tick. I have to admit it took me sometime to warm up to him mostly due to his arrogance, but as the story progressed my initial perception changed. In the end, he proved to be no different from Cat. They both wanted to be loved and accepted for themselves. They both feared getting close to anyone for fear of losing them.

I found Cat’s character easy to relate to. She puts everyone’s needs above hers without a complaint. Her fears as it relates to getting involved with Caden leapt off the pages. Those fears were understandable, especially knowing he had secrets, which he has yet to reveal.

It was fun revisiting with the characters from the previous book. Seeing how their lives have developed was a treat. Once again, I had fun with the secondary characters and I am eager to learn whose story will be next.

This story was a stark reminder that no matter how hard you try to outrun your past, it will eventually catch up to you. A fact Caden will learn.

Overall, Arrogant Bastard proved to be an entertaining romantic and sexy story and one I would recommend.



I stare at Caden Landry, my eyes narrowed, trying to figure out if I hate him. Based on the twenty minutes I’ve spent interviewing him, I’m going with yes, yes, I do. The term interview is generous, considering our stilted conversation and his general evasion at all my questions. I should kick him out, but I don’t have that luxury at the moment.

Also, when my best friend and fellow local farmer, Gabriel Levorn, recommended the man, I thought my panicked prayers had been answered. Only, he’s not what I envisioned. I’d pictured him older and world-weary, with sad, tired eyes, like my last farm manager. That’s not what I got.

He’s all tall and broad, with lean hips and long legs. And while he wears his world-weariness like a cloak, the man across from me has a hard face, cold dark blue eyes, and a chiseled jaw. He’s beautiful, in a remote, do-not-fuck-with-me type of way. Everything about his stance and attitude screams keep away, and since he’s filled up my small office located in my family’s distillery, I’ve wanted him gone.

Except, I’m desperate, and he’s my only option.



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About Jennifer Dawson

Jennifer Dawson grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and graduated from DePaul University with a degree in psychology. She met her husband at the public library while they were studying. To this day she still maintains she was NOT checking him out. Now, over twenty years later they’re married living in a suburb right outside of Chicago with two awesome kids and a crazy dog. Despite going through a light FM, poem writing phase in high school, Jennifer never grew up wanting to be a writer (she had more practical aspirations of being an international super spy). Then one day, suffering from boredom and disgruntled with a book she’d been reading, she decided to put pen to paper. The rest, as they say, is history. These days Jennifer can be found sitting behind her computer writing her next novel, chasing after her kids, keeping an ever watchful eye on her ever growing to-do list, and NOT checking out her husband.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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16 responses to “Review: The Bastard Series (Cold Hearted Bastard and Arrogant Bastard) by Jennifer Dawson

  1. Great reviews. I always love it when a book turns out better than my expectations of it. I haven’t read this author, but I am definitely going to look into her books after reading your thoughts on these two.