Book Review Tour: Gypsy King by Devney Perry

Posted on October 29, 2019 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 2019 New Release Challenge, Reviews / 31 Comments

Gypsy King, which is the first book in the Tin Gypsy series, is my first venture into the world of Devney Perry and I can say without a doubt, it will not be my last. I have heard nothing but good things about her work and I was curious to see what all the hype was about, so I jumped at the chance to read her latest novel. Now that I am at the end, I can say she deserves all the praises. She took me on a ride that was passionate, suspenseful, intense, raw, dangerous and gritty.  Putting this book down proved a difficult task.

The story introduces Bryce a reporter and Dash, the ex-president of the Tin Gypsy motorcycle club and now the owner of a garage. Bryce left her career as a news anchor in the city, moved to Clifton Forge, and took up a job with the local newspaper, working alongside her father. She is hungry for a story and believes she can find what she is looking for by investigating the members of the now defunct motorcycle club Tin Gypsy. Determined to turn Clifton Forge on its toes, she made Dash Slater the focus of her investigation. However, things took a turn when a woman was found murdered and all the evidence points to Dash’s father.

I had a great time watching these two match wits. Bryce is determined to get a story, and Dash will do anything to stop her. Meanwhile, the sparks between them sizzled and was off the charts. Bryce proved to be fearless, witty, sharp, and her tenacity knew no bounds. Dash is no saint, but he is determined to put his past behind him and live his life on the right side of the law. His personality was not one would expect from a biker. There were many layers to him, which made him a rather complex character.

I enjoyed the slow burn romance. Dash and Bryce worked well together. I enjoyed seeing this tough, commitment phobic biker brought to his knees by love….

I found the mystery angle interesting. The uncertainties, the danger and the revelations, which all had the potential to destroy lives. It had me guessing throughout the story as I tried to figure out who and why.

Now as much as I enjoyed the story, I found the ending disappointing. The romance plot was tied up neatly, and the author treated readers to a nice epilogue highlighting the progress in Dash and Bryce’s relationship. However, regarding the mystery, the story left me with more questions, as I am still not aware of the why and who. I am not sure why I have to wait to get the answers, but I hope to have confusion cleared up in the next installment.

A great start to an exciting series and one I would recommend to fans of romance and mystery. My thanks to Wildfire Marketing Solutions for the opportunity to read Gypsy King in exchange for an honest review.

About Devney Perry

Devney is a USA Today bestselling author. Born and raised in Montana, she loves writing books set in her treasured home state. After working in the technology industry for nearly a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to enjoy a slower pace at home with her husband and two sons. Writing one book, let alone many, was not something she ever expected to do. But now that she’s discovered her true passion for writing romance, she has no plans to ever stop. Devney loves hearing from readers! Connect with her on social media.

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31 responses to “Book Review Tour: Gypsy King by Devney Perry

  1. I have heard great things about this author but have yet to read her work. This sounds really good but I do like for things to be completely wrapped up by the end of the book. Great review!

  2. Kati ??

    Great review, I love books with MC’s and this one looks and sounds absolutely amazing and right up my alley. I’m really glad you fully enjoyed reading this book. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

  3. DJ Sakata

    I know I’ve noticed her name but I checked Goodreads and I’ve never read her before – how did that happen? Thanx for bringing her to my attention

  4. Bookworm Brandee

    I couldn’t wait to see what you thought of Gypsy King, Nadene. I’m thrilled that you enjoyed it so much. I’m a big fan of Devney Perry and I’m eager to dive into this one. Having read your review, I’m even more eager. 🙂

  5. I still need to read one of her books, too. I didn’t realize she put mysteries into them so that will have me hunting down this one for sure. Good to know that the mystery doesn’t resolve in this book.