Review: Special Angel by Nancy Loyan

Posted on February 11, 2014 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 0 Comments

 This was quite an entertaining and unique read.  I was pulled into the story from the very first page and I found it very difficult to put it down.  Special Angel is a beautiful story of love, loss and forgiveness. It depicts the lengths persons will go to just to satisfy their greed and to cover up their wrongs.  It shows also the ripple effect one person’s action can have on the lives of those close to them.
I totally fell in love with Angelique. She is a singer with the most beautiful voice who has led a secluded life for most of her years.  She is strong, innocent and pure and has been through so much. It made me happy to see her finally gain her freedom and experience love.
My least favourite characters are Morris and Edwina Davidson. It is not possible to go into much detail about these two without giving away the story, so you will just have to read the story for yourself to find out why they disgust me so much.
Special Angel brought out an array of emotions. It made angry, sad and happy. It was a very poignant story that is going to be staying with me for a very long time.
If you love your romance stories with a lot of heart then this book is for you and I hope you enjoy it like I did.


Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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