Review: Rocco by Sarah Castille

Posted on May 12, 2020 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 30 Comments

I immediately dived into Rocco, the third book in the Ruin and Revenge series upon completion of Luca. I was curious to learn how this story would unfold as the hero of this installment was a cold-blooded killer. The second most feared enforcer for the mob. I met him in the previous installment and I recognized that beneath his cold-blooded exterior he harboured deep-seated pain and I was desirous of learning what made him tick. What I learned was heart-breaking and painful.

Rocco knew only pain and loss for most of his life until the Grace Mantini, the daughter of an under-boss, entered his life. Despite their ten-year age difference, they forged an unbreakable bond. He became her protector, her best friend and her lover. They had plans to spend the rest of their lives together, but when Rocco was forced to kill to protect her their dreams were shattered. That incident changed their lives forever. Rocco became an unfeeling and cold-hearted enforcer who never questioned his orders to kill.

Grace left home after that fateful incident and spent most of her time trying to live her life separate from the mob. However, she would learn that no matter how far she ran, she could never out run her past.

This was a beautiful written second chance romance, and I enjoyed every moment spent in Grace and Rocco’s world. Watching them both find their way back to each other was such a delight. Their moments together were intense and passionate and their chemistry was hot enough to burn a hole through my headphones.

The flashbacks provided by the author allows the reader to understand the horrors they suffered along with how their relationship had developed. Reading about their past and watching them in the present fuelled my need to see them get their happily ever after. However, before they could accomplish that, there were several obstacles they needed to overcome.

The story had its share of danger and drama one would expect with a mafia romance. It was fast paced, engaging and emotional.

My issue with this installment was how it ended. I had hope to get an answer regarding Rocco’s heritage, but that information was never revealed.


Aiden Snow continues to narrate, and he did an excellent job as I expected. He brought life to the story and the characters.


Rocco delivered a steamy and passionate second chance romance that will put a smile on your face and leave you feeling contented.


Other Books in the Series


[bctt tweet=”Rocco by Sarah Castille delivered an intense, swoon worthy and passionate second chance #romance. Narrated by Aiden Snow #ruinandrevenge @TantorAudio” username=”TtlyAdd2Reading”]

About Sarah Castille

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of over 20 novels, Sarah Castille is known for contemporary romance that is edgy, sexy and scorching hot. A recovering lawyer with a fondness for dirty-talking alpha males, she lives in British Columbia with her husband, three children and a family of owls. Sarah’s books have been published by Samhain Publishing, Macmillan and Sourcebooks Casablanca, and have received starred reviews from Publishers Weekly as well as being included in their Top Ten Picks and Best Summer Reads. Her books have been named Amazon’s Best Romance Books of the Year, RT Book Reviews Top Picks, and have won the Holt Medallion for Excellence in Literary Fiction as well as numerous reader’s choice and romance writers’ awards. Sarah is a member of the Romance Writers of America, the Vancouver Island Romance AssociationInternational Thriller Writers Inc., and the Writer’s Union of Canada. Sarah is represented by Laura Bradford of the Bradford Literary Agency. For rights, media, or other inquiries, please contact Laura Bradford at

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30 responses to “Review: Rocco by Sarah Castille

  1. Debbie Haupt

    Wow I need to check this series out what an unusual premise. Thanks Nadene

  2. DJ Sakata

    I haven’t read this one but I’ve enjoyed this author before. Lovely review!

  3. kate

    Not my sub genre, but my best friend loves mafia romance so I will suggest to her.

  4. Bentley Gallo

    Not my cup of tea, but I’m glad you enjoyed it! Hopefully the next book answers any lingering questions you have

  5. RO

    I’ve heard of Castille, but never read any of her work. This sounds like such a great read, and it looks like I’ll love the series! Hugs, RO

  6. — Bianca

    The description sounds awesome. I might be in the mood for some good romance.

  7. Lindy Gomez

    I love a fast-paced, emotional, and passionate second chance romance. Flashbacks are always so helpful in understanding the current situation. Great Review Nadene!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape