Posted on January 28, 2019 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 4.5 stars, Avon Books, edelweiss, fantasy, Jennifer Estep, Review / 11 Comments

Kill the Queen by Jennifer Estep
Series: Crown of Shards 1
Publisher: Harper Voyage

Published: October 2, 2018

Genres: Fantasy
Pages: 480

Format: eARC 
Source:  Publisher via Edelweiss
Purchase: Amazon
Reading Challenges:  Netgalley and Edelweiss, COYER Winter

This story was awesome. I do not know why I waited so long to read it, but better late than never. This is my first time reading Jennifer Estep and it will definitely not be my last. I enjoyed every moment of this story; there was never a dull moment. This is a story that is best going into blind, as the experience will be better.

The vivid descriptions and the world building enhanced my enjoyment of the story. I felt I was a part of this world steeped in magic and gladiator fights. 

Character development was on point. I met characters whom I loved and then there were those whom I passionately disliked.  

Evie, the main character proved a force to reckon with. She showed remarkable growth throughout the story. She started out meek and mild like a little lamb but by the end of the story she was like a roaring lion.  I loved how she stood up for herself and others and in the process discovered true friendship.

The secondary characters fascinated me. There was the dance instructor, the jewelry maker and the members of the gladiator troupe.  They brought their own blend of flavour, which included humour, secrets, danger and romance.

I loved the pacing, which had me on the edge of my seat. I kept wondering what next would transpire. Intense action scenes and battles to the death added to the darkness and grittiness of the story.

The story wrapped up nicely. No cliffhangers, but based on the ending we know there‘s more in store for Evie and her friends. I cannot wait to know what next the series has to offer.

Fans of fantasy will enjoy this offering from Jennifer Estep. Action packed with interesting characters, this story is not to be missed.

Gladiator meets Game of Thrones: a royal woman becomes a skilled warrior to destroy her murderous cousin, avenge her family, and save her kingdom in this first entry in a dazzling fantasy epic from the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Elemental Assassin series—an enthralling tale that combines magic, murder, intrigue, adventure, and a hint of romance.

In a realm where one’s magical power determines one’s worth, Lady Everleigh’s lack of obvious ability relegates her to the shadows of the royal court of Bellona, a kingdom steeped in gladiator tradition. Seventeenth in line for the throne, Evie is nothing more than a ceremonial fixture, overlooked and mostly forgotten.

But dark forces are at work inside the palace. When her cousin Vasilia, the crown princess, assassinates her mother the queen and takes the throne by force, Evie is also attacked, along with the rest of the royal family. Luckily for Evie, her secret immunity to magic helps her escape the massacre.

Forced into hiding to survive, she falls in with a gladiator troupe. Though they use their talents to entertain and amuse the masses, the gladiators are actually highly trained warriors skilled in the art of war, especially Lucas Sullivan, a powerful magier with secrets of his own. Uncertain of her future—or if she even has one—Evie begins training with the troupe until she can decide her next move.

But as the bloodthirsty Vasilia exerts her power, pushing Bellona to the brink of war, Evie’s fate becomes clear: she must become a fearsome gladiator herself . . . and kill the queen

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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11 responses to “BOOK REVIEW: KILL THE QUEEN by JENNIFER ESTEP @Jennifer_Estep #Fantasy #Magic

  1. I don’t often read fantasy, but this one caught my eye as soon as I first started seeing the cover around the blogosphere. I really like the sound of Evie and how she grew/changed over the course of the story. And it sounds like the worldbuilding is on point. I’ll definitely be taking a closer look at this one!

  2. kindlemom1

    I adored this story so I’m so glad you did as well! I can’t wait to read the next book!