Mafia Princess by Bella J

Mafia Princess

Posted on August 6, 2018 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 2018 new release challenge, Reviews / 0 Comments

I chose to read Mafia Princess as mafia romances fascinate me. I love the fictional world of the organization and enjoy seeing the big bad men of the mafia brought to their knees by love. So I could not wait to read this book.

The story began on a strong note, with the male protagonist chasing a grab and run thief. It made me eager to learn how events would unfold.

I got a glimpse into the workings of the mafia world. However, the darkness and grittiness one would expect from such a story was non-existent. However, what it lacked in grit it made up for with lots of explicit sexy moments.

I loved that the author narrated the story from dual POVs, which made it easy to develop a connection with both protagonists. I understood what drove them both and the reasons for their actions.

Spending time with both characters proved to be a delightful experience. Their interaction was intense, hot and sweet. Despite the forbidden nature of their relationship they could not keep their distance from each other. A cop and the daughter of a top mafioso does not a couple make, but the heart wants what it wants. To make the situation more complicated, her family was at the centre of his investigation.

Karina’s loyalty to her family is admirable. Despite her not wanting to have anything to do with their world, she was not afraid to step up and protect them when necessary. Her loyalty came to light when her past actions came back to haunt her. Lorik is one of those heroes you cannot help but love. Tenacious, confident, tough, sexy, gritty, loyal and a force to be reckoned with.

Although I enjoyed the Mafia Princess, it was not without its issues. One of the things I had difficulty wrapping my head around was Lorik’s decision to question Karina at the precinct.

Knowing your investigation is not sanctioned by the people you report to, then why bring your suspect to the precinct where you can get caught and be suspended? I could not see the logic behind that move.

Then there is the whole insta-love connection. I prefer a slow burn romance, which I find more believable than an insta-love connection. Lorik is investigating the Valenti family and Karina was his key into their world. He finds himself drawn to her during an interrogation session, then in no time they were jumping each other’s bones. Before you know it within two days, they were in love. This was more a case of falling in lust.

I couldn’t figure out why Lorik’s boss despised him and looked for every opportunity to discredit him. What I found even more puzzling was when the opportunity came for him to suspend him but when a murder occurred and the evidence led to the Valenti family, he lifted the suspension. This action made no sense knowing his objection to the investigation.

The ending was not what I expected. Not a cliffhanger, but it left me with questions leading me to draw my own conclusions.


Overall, this was a good read. I would definitely read more from this author.


Review originally posted at The Romance Review
Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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