BOOK REVIEW: ON THE CHASE by KATIE RUGGLE @KatieRuggle #Romance #Suspense

Posted on October 17, 2017 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 2017 new release challenge, 4 stars, eArc, Katie Ruggle, Netgalley, Review, Romantic Suspense, Sourcebook Casablanca / 0 Comments

Title: On the Chase
Series: Rocky Mountain K9 Unit #2
Genres: Romantic Suspense 
Published: 5 September 2017 
Pages: 386
Format: eARC 
Source: Publisher via Netgalley
Buy :  Amazon 

Ever since I read Run to the Ground, I was eager to learn more about the secondary characters.  Therefore, when I learned the sequel, On the Chase, would be Hugh’s story I was excited.  My excitement further increased when the publisher offered me an eArc in exchange for an honest review.

What The Story is About.

Kaylee Palmer is happy and contented with how her life has unfolded. She had a great job, a perfect boyfriend and a comfortable life. Then the unthinkable happened. All it took for her life to come crumbling down was the witnessing of a gruesome scene.  Trusting law enforcement was not an option, therefore forcing her to move to Colorado and assuming a new identity.  Keeping a low profile would be easy if it were not for the attractive K9 officer Hugh Murdoch.
Hugh Murdoch is on medical leave, after suffering a serious on the job injury. He is itching to get back in the field, but his constant interference in ongoing cases, when he should be resting, is driving his colleagues crazy.  When he met Grace, he believed she was hiding something, and he is determined to uncover her mysteries.
What I Thought
The Characters.

Hugh is funny, caring, hardworking, determined and charming. Although sometimes he crossed the line with his lock picking skills. It was hard not to like him even though he was annoying at times, to which his friends and Grace could attest. He kept me laughing for most of the story. It would seem he does not take things seriously, but that was far from the truth. He if all round fun-loving person.
Kaylee/Grace is brave, funny, caring.  I took a while to warm up to her, but as the story unfolded, she grew on me.  I understood her reaction (not that I was in agreement) to the new life she had to assume. After working so hard for her achievements, only to go back to living the life she thought she had escaped.
The Romance

I enjoyed the interaction between Hugh and Grace, which was filled with humour, banter and passion. Their chemistry was undeniable, and I enjoyed watching them trying to work out their feelings for each other.
The Suspense

The story packed full of action and suspense that made for a page turning read.  The danger they faced had me holding my breath at page turn.
The Supporting Characters

We received updates on the lives of the characters from the previous installment. Jules siblings are so adorable and the romance between her and Theo is as strong as ever.  I enjoyed the bond of friendship, which existed between Hugh, Theo and Otto. They were a great team, and it is evident they cared deeply for each other.
The Story

I had questions regarding the scene Grace/Kaylee witnessed. I was hoping for more information especially as it relates to the victims and their identity. Were they innocent parties or were they criminal elements?
I thought this was a great addition to the series and I am eager to have Otto’s story. If you are a fan of small town romances filled with suspense and non-stop action, then you should try this series. 
 “How’s your head?”
His smile dimmed just slightly before returning to full wattage. “Still where it’s supposed to be. I might have lost a few brain cells, but there were plenty to spare.”
Grace rolled her eyes. Of course he would joke about almost dying. Forget that she hadn’t been able to sleep or think about anything else for the past five days since Jules told her about the explosion. She didn’t know why she cared, why she worried about him, why the idea of him almost dying made her heart hurt. It wasn’t like they were friends. Every time they saw each other, they argued. Even now, seeing Hugh all happy and smirky and healthy-looking, she felt her worry turn to annoyance. “Have you found out who planted the bomb yet?”
“Can’t talk about an ongoing investigation,” he said lightly. “You know what we can talk about, though?”
“What?” she asked warily. He was just a few steps away, and she realized that she’d been moving closer without even realizing it. Stupid feet. Don’t they know he’s an ass?
Hugh gestured at her soaked coveralls. “This incredibly fashion-forward look you have going here.”
Her finger hovered close to the trigger. So maybe he’d lose a little skin if she gave him a quick spray. Really, it was what he deserved. With a great effort of will, she kept the washer down at her side.
“You like it?” Posing with her free hand on her hip, she gave him her best sultry-model face. If she had to be stuck wearing wet coveralls and too-large rubber boots, then she was going to own the look.
He chuckled, although his gaze heated as he took her in. “Oh yeah. It’s kennel chic.”
“Right.” Dropping the pose, she frowned at him, trying to figure out why he was looking at her like he wanted to eat her. There was nothing appealing about her at the moment. She’d known this even before she glanced down again, confirming the horrid state of her appearance. “I miss wearing pretty things.”
Immediately, his gaze sharpened. “Pretty things? Like what you used to wear to work? What did you do before in…Bangor?”
That slight pause reminded her that he was a cop—a cop who thought she was a liar. Tipping her head, she gave him a flirty look. “You want to know something?”
“Yeah. What?” He moved a half step closer, his inquisitive expression shifting to something a little…hungrier.
She smiled and leaned toward him. His gaze dropped to her lips. “I’m beginning to understand why someone would want to blow you up.”
To her surprise, he laughed. It made him even more stupidly attractive than usual, and Grace found herself unable to look away. “I’m told that a lot.”
Thrown off guard, she scrambled for a witty retort. “Maybe you should, you know, work on that.”
“Work on fixing my personality?” He leaned against the wall, and Grace gave a silent sigh. It looked as if he was settling in for a chat. As much as she welcomed an interruption from kennel cleaning, Hugh wasn’t her first pick. Whenever he was around, she felt strange, unsettled, almost jittery. He’d pop into her head at odd times, and just the thought of him sent a rush of adrenaline through her veins. It was…uncomfortable.
She realized that he was watching her with a tiny, knowing smile, and she tried to remember what they’d been talking about. “Whatever.” Grace figured that would cover most potential topics. “Why are you here?”
“Otto’s working with his latest project.”
“That explains why he’s here. Why are you here?”
He smirked. The man was impossible to offend. “I was bored, so I tagged along. It’s a good thing, too. We haven’t talked much lately. I was going to stop by to watch Tattered Hearts with you again, but Theo gave me a little lecture about the importance of keeping my lockpicks in my pants.”
“What a shame,” she said flatly, proud of herself for not giving in and smiling. It was hard to resist Hugh’s easy charm. “Well, this was a nice chat. We’ll have to do it again sometime…or not.”
His grin grew, and it became harder to keep her deadpan expression in place. “Oh, our visit isn’t over. Otto won’t be done for a while yet. So tell me, Not-Grace, how long did you live in Bangor?”
“Almost two years.”
“And before that?”
“Austin, Texas.”
“For how long?”
“Eight months.”
“Before that?”
“Maine or Oregon?”
“Do you ever tell the truth?”
“Why do you think I’m lying?”
He smiled at her—a long, slow, easy, predatory baring of his teeth. “I can tell when someone’s lying. It’s my superpower.”
Grace shivered and immediately hoped he hadn’t noticed. By his expression, however, he’d seen it. He looked like a smug housecat, ready to pounce on a trapped mouse. “It’s none of your business. So I’ve moved around a lot. That’s not a crime. I haven’t done anything wrong.”
“Then why are you lying?”
“I told you.” To her annoyance, she couldn’t hold his gaze. Turning her head, she stared at one of the kennels. “I’m not lying. Go away. I have to get back to work.”
She started spraying down the kennels again. The entire time, she felt his gaze on the back of her neck, as hot as sunburn on her skin. It made her crazy that he could bring out such a reaction in her, when she was just a suspect to him. Every time Hugh was nearby, her skin buzzed and her blood flowed faster, and when he left, she felt let down and lonely. He was a cop, and an annoying one at that. Why did she allow him to affect her like this? When she reached the end of the row, she couldn’t take it anymore. Turning, she huffed, “Would you please just…”
He was gone.
She glanced around, but she was alone. Moving over to the door, she looked out and saw Hugh limping slightly as he made his way to the squad car.
It was her turn to watch him. Crazily enough, she felt slightly deflated now that he’d left. Shaking off her idiotic thoughts, she firmed her jaw and turned back to the kennels. Forget Hugh, she told herself firmly. There’s poo to clean.
Even so, she couldn’t resist a final glance out the open door.

Injured in the line of duty,
His orders are simple:
Stay alive.
But when a frightened woman bursts into his life, Hugh and his K9 companion have no choice but to risk everything to keep her safe.

The sole witness to a horrific crime, Kaylee Ramay flees to the Colorado Rockies to start a new life. There she becomes Grace, a dog kennel employee desperately trying to avoid attention—especially from dangerously attractive K9 Officer Hugh Murdoch.

Because Hugh is tall, dark… and nothing but trouble.

Hugh is anxious to get back in the field after an act of heroism left him warming the bench. Until then, he and his K9 partner Lexi spend their hours teasing the town’s mysterious newcomer. But when their simmering attraction is nearly cut short by a sniper’s bullet, Hugh’s mystery woman must come clean about the secrets she keeps…

Or both of them will pay the price.

Rocky Mountain K9 Unit Series:
Run to Ground (Book 1)
On the Chase (Book 2) (less)


A fan of the old adage “write what you know”, Katie Ruggle lived in an off-grid, solar- and wind-powered house in the Rocky Mountains until her family lured her back to Minnesota. When she’s not writing, Katie rides horses, shoots guns (not while riding, although that would be awesome), cross-country skis (badly) and travels to warm places where she can scuba dive. A graduate of the Police Academy, Katie received her ice-rescue certification and can attest that the reservoirs in the Colorado mountains really are that cold. A fan of anything that makes her feel like a bad-ass, she has trained in Krav Maga, boxing and gymnastics. 
You can connect with Katie at

A fan of the old adage “write what you know”, Katie Ruggle lived in an off-grid, solar- and wind-powered house in the Rocky Mountains until her family lured her back to Minnesota. When she’s not writing, Katie rides horses, shoots guns (not while riding, although that would be awesome), cross-country skis (badly) and travels to warm places where she can scuba dive. A graduate of the Police Academy, Katie received her ice-rescue certification and can attest that the reservoirs in the Colorado mountains really are that cold. A fan of anything that makes her feel like a bad-ass, she has trained in Krav Maga, boxing and gymnastics. You can connect with Katie at,…, or on Twitter @KatieRuggle

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