Posted on October 3, 2017 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 2017 new release challenge, 3 stars, Adult Contemporary Romance, Erin Cristofoli, indie author, Quirky Blind Date, Review / 0 Comments

Title: Afraid to Fall
Author: Erin Cristofoli 
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Format: ebook
Pages: 234
Published: May 24, 2017
Publisher: Indie
Source:Author via Quirky Blind Date
Reading Challenge: 2017 New Release
Buy: Amazon 

 Afraid to Fall is an adult contemporary romance and the second book in the Starting Over series.  Because each book is about a different couple, they can be read as a stand-alone.
What the story is about.
Afraid to Fall tells the story of Jennifer Weaver. Jennifer is a wedding planner, who is focused on creating a successful business; as a result she has no wish to be involved in a committed relationship. A committed relationship meant sacrificing her dream of success for love, something, which she could ill afford. However, she would struggle with her choices, when she was forced to work closely with the best man when planning her best friend’s wedding.

Liam Galloway wants to settle down with right woman. This desire intensified when he saw how happy his best friend was in his relationship. Working closely with Jen and getting to know her made him realise they were perfect for each other if only he could convince her of that fact.  Will Jen recognise that falling in love does not mean giving up her career, and can Liam convince her he is worth the fall?
What I Enjoyed

I loved how the author sprinkled humour throughout the pages of the story. There were time I laughed at the antics of the characters. I enjoyed their banter and how they reacted to each other.  Jen’s initial actions towards Liam aptly reflected her fears of being involved in a committed relationship.
I liked that the story was narrated from dual point of views.  Readers are given both Jen and Liam’s perspective about the development of the events. This is my favourite narration. As it enable me to gain insight into their emotions and made me privy to their thoughts.
I was pleased with the role the secondary characters played. They were supportive and always willing to help. Even though this was not Kate and Benjamin’s story, their love for each other shined through.  It was easy to see why Liam and Jen desired a similar experience.  It also made me curious to learn more about them.
The issues I had.
Based on how the story unfolded it was evident they met from the previous installment. Not having read book one I am unable to determine the extent of the history between them.  I felt I was missing something as it relates to the attraction that existed between them. As a result, I had a hard time accepting the reality of their feelings. Their back-story was non-existent making it difficult for me to understand what drove Liam’s need for dominance and why he desperately wanted a committed relationship with Jen.  Sometimes I thought he was a little too pushy and demanding.
I had an idea as to the reason behind Jen’s commitment phobia; however, I do not believe it was justified.  She never took the time to explore and discover the reason for her mom’s decision. Doing so would, I believed, have saved her the unnecessary stress.
I thought the relationship between the characters lacked substance. The foundation of their relationship was established based on physical attraction with not much thought given to the emotional aspect. As a result, I had a hard time accepting the reality of their relationship.
I though Jen was being silly in her decision to keep her relationship with Liam secret. I found her reasons to be unacceptable. What did it matter who knew they were involved, but I guess her insecurities played a huge role in her decision? The constant push and pull on Jen’s part annoyed me. Her actions demonstrated her indecisiveness. 

Overall, I found this to be an ok read. It did not wow me, but it was enough to keep me entertained.  If you enjoy sizzling romances, then you can try this book.
Event planner Jen Weaver loves weddings and romance—for other people. She’d rather focus on her career and leave the emotional stuff to her clients. When her best friend asks Jen to plan her wedding, resisting best man Liam Galloway is not on the agenda, but he tests her willpower anyway. An unwanted intruder in her thoughts and desires, he is charming, panty-melting, and persistent.

Perpetual bachelor Liam feels something inside him click into place when he reacquaints himself with feisty, beautiful, and assured Jen. Unfortunately for him, marriage isn’t on her bucket list. Determined to win her over by any means necessary, the hopeless romantic proposes fun with no commitment, hoping he’ll sway her opinion on love.

Can Liam convince Jen that he’s worth the fall? Will Jen accept that a career and love are not mutually exclusive? Or will she realize—too late—that some things are worth the sacrifice?

About The Author

Erin was born and raised in Ontario, Canada, where she resides with her husband and two children.
She found her love of writing as a teen, when she wrote a series of stories for her friends. It became a dream that she would one day publish a novel of her own. 
Erin has a passion for creativity in many forms. Aside from writing, she is a photographer, and enjoys painting, playing guitar and crocheting.
Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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