Review: Real Sexy by Meghan March

Posted on May 24, 2017 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 2017 new release challenge, 4 stars, Contemporary Romance, InkSlinger PR, Meghan March, Real Dirty Duet series, Red Dress Press, Review / 0 Comments

Title: Real Sexy
Author: Meghan March
Series: Real Dirty Duet
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Format: eARC
Pages: 250
Published: May 23, 2017
Publisher: Red Dress Press
Source: Author via Inkslinger PR
Reading Challenge: 2017 New Release

In Nashville, country stars are a dime a dozen. 

I swore I’d never get caught up with one, but Boone Thrasher made a liar out of me. I said I’d never put my heart on the line, but he didn’t ask before he stole it.

Now we’re facing my worst fears, and we’ll see if this country boy is tough enough to

see it through. 

 Girls like me don’t get happily ever afters… but maybe he’ll prove that wrong too.

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Have you ever had a moment where you feel your life is not working the way you hoped?  Where it seems like all your dreams have gone up in smoke and everything you try fails. However, in spite of this, you refuse to give up because you believe one day your hard work will bear fruit.  Then when you least expect it, the unthinkable happens and you live a dream you never thought possible.   This happened to Ripley Fischer, whose life took an unexpected turn the night Boone Thrasher walked through the doors of the Fishbowl bar.

Real Sexy is the anticipated conclusion to the Real Dirty Duet. It picks up where book one left off and it provided answers to the questions raised.  I was eager to discover how things would unfold for Ripley and Boone. At the start of this instalment chaos and uncertainties are taking place and Ripley and Boone find themselves in the middle of it all. At this point, Ripley’s insecurities kick in and she believes that there is no future for her and Boone.  Baggage from her past is taking a toll on her relationship with Boone. She believes she is not worthy of him, but Boone is determined to prove to her that they belong together.

Ripley suffers from insecurities, which is understandable given the life she has endured in the past.  Growing up under abusive conditions played a role in how she viewed her life, making it difficult for her to accept the kindness Boone extended to her.  At the end of the previous instalment, Ripley no longer had responsibility for the bar. She believed this to be the worst thing to happen, however, she would discover that it was the best thing for her. It led her on a life-changing journey that would see her rising from the ashes like a phoenix. She would come to realise that receiving help persons who cared for her did not mean giving up her independence.  However, I must admit sometimes I found her actions frustrating.

The intensity of their romance grew in this instalment.  It was hotter and sexier. What was meant to be a one night stand became something meaningful.  Obstacles came in every size, shape and form, but their love for each other never faltered.   I enjoyed how the story unfolded; especially as it relates to the mystery surrounding her mother’s death.  She had the closure she has been seeking for twenty years, which allowed her to move out from under the baggage that been weighing her down.  The pacing was well done and the story easy to follow.  It flowed flawlessly from start to finish.   I liked the story was not overly dramatic, especially as it relates to the issues regarding Boone’s ex-fiancée.

Overall,  this was a fitting conclusion to the series.  The Real Dirty Duet is a charming love story which, encompasses the right blend of drama, hot and sizzling romance and mystery.  I am eager what next the author has to offer her readers.


I have everything a guy could want—  a new single burning up the charts, more money than a simple country boy could spend, and a woman I’m planning to marry.  

Until she doesn’t show up for my proposal. The life I thought was so perfect, isn’t. 

The guy who thought he had everything, doesn’t.

I’ve got my heart on lockdown, but life sends me straight into the path of a mouthy bartender who puts me in my place.  Now the only place I want to put her is under me. 

I thought I was done with love, but maybe I’m just getting started.

Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. 

She’s also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. 

Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. 

Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she’s ever had.

She loves hearing from her readers at

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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