KD Robichaux’s New Release Wish Come True.

Posted on April 19, 2016 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 0 Comments

The highly anticipated third and final book in the Blogger Diaries Trilogy.
 Title: Wish Come True
Author: KD Robichaux
Series: The Blogger Diaries Trilogy, Book 3
Release Date: April 17, 2016

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Editor: Becky Johnson, Hot Tree Editing

Cover Designer: Perfect Pear Creative Covers

The highly anticipated third and final book in the Blogger Diaries Trilogy.
Kayla’s Chick Rant and Book Blog
April 17, 2016
They say when you quit trying so hard, things will finally fall into place. So, I let go of my failed marriage to Aiden, focused all my attention on my daughter and finishing school while working a full-time job, and suddenly…
Barely breathing turned into surviving.
Surviving turned into being content.
Contentment turned into happiness.
All just my girl and me.
But there was still something missing, something I truly never thought I’d have. 
My happily ever after.

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 Other Books in the Series 

Wished for You

(Book 1)

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Wish He Was You

(Book 2)

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KD Robichaux wanted to be a romance author since the first time she picked up her mom’s Sandra Brown books at the ripe old age of twelve. She went to college to become a writer, but then married and had babies. Putting her dream job on hold to raise her family as a stay at home mom, who read entirely too much, she created a blog where she could keep her family and friends up-to-date on all the hottest reads. From there, by word of mouth, her blog took off and she began using her hard-earned degree as a Senior Editor for Hot Tree Editing. When her kids started school, and with the encouragement from her many author friends, she finally sat down and started working on her first series, The Blogger Diaries, her very own real life romance.

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