Format: Paperback

Ricochet by Jessica Andersen

Posted on February 22, 2022 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 11 Comments

Ricochet by Jessica Andersen is the first book in the Bear Claw Creek Crime Lab series. This book has been on my physical book shelf for a while now. I figured it was time to brush it off and what better time than for the Coyer love and libraries readathon. This is my first Jessica Andersen book, so I did not know what to expect. But then it’s a romantic suspense, so what could go wrong?


Ricochet by Jessica AndersenTitle: Ricochet
Author(s): Jessica Andersen
Series: Bear Claw Creek Crime Lab #1
Published by Harlequin Intrigue on January 10, 2006
Pages: 250
Genre(s): Romantic Suspense
Source: Purchase
Format: Paperback
Purchase: Amazon
Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Series Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne Flame

Time was Running Out...
Bear Claw Creek's young girls were disappearing and forensics expert Alissa Wyatt was in way over her head. Now her only choice was to partner with Detective Tucker McDermott - the very same man she'd sworn to keep her distance from.
But suddenly, the tables turned. Alissa became a madman's next target - and her only hope to stay alive lay within the safety of Tucker's strong arms. As the danger mounted, the killer on her trail was nothing compared to the feelings provoked by reuniting with Tucker...or the consequences she'd face if she walked away once again.

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Three teenagers have gone missing.  They’ve been kidnapped, but by whom and why. The members of the Bear Claw Creek police department have their work cut out for them. Tucker McDermott, the lead detective on the case needs to solve the case before moving on to his next job in another jurisdiction. A move he highly anticipated. Tucker is not known to stay in one place for long, so his next assignment did not surprise his colleagues. However, he never counted on his attraction to the new hire to the BCCPD, crime scene investigator Alissa Wyatt.

Alissa and her colleagues, Maya and Cassie, are recent additions to the BCCPD. They were in charge of the new forensics unit. However, not everyone welcomed the new additions, evidenced by the hostile reactions of members of the BCCPD. Now, with a kidnapper on the loose, Alyssa makes it her mission to prove herself to her new colleagues.

Ricochet began on an intriguing note and I soon found myself invested in the mystery surrounding the kidnapping. As I went deeper into the story, the situation became complex. Alissa became a target, and it would seem the nefarious activities were the work of a few people. I enjoyed this aspect of the story a lot.

The sexual tension between the protagonists lit up the pages. I was not a fan of the romance which developed between them. It didn’t strike me as authentic. They spent majority of the story fighting their attraction to each other. Majority of their interactions surrounds the case and throughout the story, Tucker focuses on solving the case so he can leave Bear Claw. It took one night of intimacy for them to recognize they were in love with each other.

The heroine disappointed me. She talked tough, but when it matters most, she had to rely on her partner for protection. Her ego and the enormous chip on her shoulder led to poor decision making placing her in precarious situations. Tucker is silent, tough and strong, compassionate and protective, but not afraid to reveal his vulnerabilities.

The villain responsible for the kidnappings was dealt with appropriately. However, the danger is far from over. I think I have an idea as to the identity of the mastermind, but I would need to continue the series to confirm my suspicions.

Ricochet was an interesting start to the Bear Claw Crime Lab series and I look forward to the next book. 


Story Evaluation
World Building
Writing Style
Overall: One StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading

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