Posted on April 19, 2019 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Guest Post / 8 Comments

Please welcome Chelsea Parker from Pillow Talk Books as she shares her thoughts on 4 Ways To Not Suck At Picking Your Next Book

As readers most of us have been through the phase of knowing what next to read, so I am sure you will find these tips useful.
4 Ways To Not Suck At Picking Your Next Book

Between finishing one book and starting the next one, there’s always a bit of drag. It might not last long, but, on the other hand, if the book you’ve just finished left an impression, this funk might last days. Unfortunately, there comes a time when we must ask ourselves what to read next. Finding new books can be a challenge in and of itself. Forget about choosing what to read after you’ve chosen what to buy. There’s no reason to fret, however, as the following are 3 tips for helping you choose your next book.

Reading Multiple Books At Once

The human brain is amazing. Much like computers, our minds have the capacity to do so many things all simultaneously. Reading is no outlier. Most people are capable of reading multiple books at one time, though many readers usually keep only two or three open at a time. While reading more books at once might cause some confusion between plots and characters, this is an excellent way to increase how many books you read, as well as put to rest the age-old question, “what book is next?”

Automate Your Choice

Choosing your next book doesn’t even have to be your own choice. There are plenty of apps and websites online, such as, which helps choose your next book based on past preferences. Likewise, Kindle also suggests books related to past recommendations. Social media sites like Reddit and Goodreads base their suggestions on community input, so there are plenty of resources for helping choose the perfect next book to start.

Judge a Book By Its Cover

We’ve all heard that sage advice: never judge a book by its cover. In this case, you can do just that. Sometimes, choosing your next book is just too difficult a task, based on literary merits alone. During those difficult decisions, it’s perfectly acceptable to choose a book by its cover. Whichever book has the best cover artwork or is bound the best might turn out to be your favorite in more ways than one.

Make a List

If you still can’t decide on your next book, perhaps you should keep a list of books you want to read. Constantly updating your list of “to-be-read” books is a great way to give yourself endless options. Plus, you’ll never forget those rare books you’ve been meaning to look for, but simply forget. Many websites, like Goodreads, Amazon, and Thriftbooks, have already implemented “wish lists,” which are essentially the same things.

Chelsea Parker is a blogger and editor at Pillow Talk Books, a website that delivers free and bargain bestselling romance books each day.  

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading
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  1. These are some great tips! I keep meaning to do the sort of automated version, put a bunch of titles on slips of paper and throw them all in a jar to choose at random.

  2. Lindy Gomez

    Great guest post! I line these suggestions. Oftentimes, I suffer from the lag when I’ve just finished a book and am trying to figure lout what to read next. I don’t like reading more than one book at once, but I like using the TBR list/wish list option, and judging by the cover. Something I like to do if I’m trying to choose between more than one book is read the first page or two amongst a few different books, and see which one catches my attention the most :). Fun post!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  3. I read one book at a time. I just like that better. My mom would have a book in each room of our house when I was little and she would read that book when in that room. I just can’t do that. lol