Category: Soul Mate Publishing


Posted on October 20, 2017 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 2017 new release challenge, 4.5 stars, Kindle Unlimited, L. D. Rose, Paranormal Romance, Review, Soul Mate Publishing / 0 Comments

Title: Sweet Sacrifice
Author:  L. D. Rose
Series: Soul Mate Tree #9
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Soulmate Publishing
Published: 13 September 2017 
Pages: 152
Format: ebook
Source: Kindle Unlimited
Reading Challenges: 2017 New Release Challenge
Buy :  Amazon 

Sweet Sacrifice, by L. D. Rose, differs from any story I read before. The author is new to me and as such I went into this story with limited expectations, but I ended up with more than I bargained for.  The story was captivating, heartfelt and beautifully written and told of a love that transcends time and space.
What the story is about.
Sweet Sacrifice tells the story of former navy seal Sebastian ‘Bash’ Lockhard who died a hero while on tour in Afghanistan. His act of heroism earned him an entry in heaven where he would become a member of heaven’s elite army.   An opportunity he could not let pass him by as it would mean he no longer have to spend time in purgatory. However, this chance of a lifetime was not without its rules:
 Remain celibate.
 Never reconnect with your mortal life.
 Ensure humans were not aware of his existence.
Easy, right? It would have been if his memories of the only woman he ever loved would remain a memory.
Irene Lockhard is still trying to come to terms with the death of her husband. She throws herself into her work, but the memories are overwhelming.  She finds herself spiralling out of control at her best friend’s wedding but then like a miracle from up above the man she loves appears to her. They shared a night of unforgettable passion, but then he vanishes. Has Irene’s grief finally pushed her over the edge?
My Thoughts
Theirs was a love that was forbidden, but how do you stay away from the one you love? Bash had difficulty ignoring the lure of the forbidden fruit and the fact he was willing to accept the painful consequences of breaking the rules was a true testament of his love for Irene.  
The author pulled me into Bash and Irene’s world and had me rooting for them at every page turn.  Their emotions leapt off the pages and tugged on my heartstrings.  I feared things would not work out for them and I so badly wanted it to as they deserved happiness after all the suffering they had been through.   The author created a spellbinding story that slowly pulls me in and characters who were lovable and relatable.  This was one story, which was hard to predict the outcome.
I enjoyed the world building.  I have read a few books with heaven and angel themes but never in the same vein as Sweet Sacrifice. I totally enjoyed the author’s concept of heaven and the angel hierarchy.  In addition, the infusion of the notion of a love, which transcends death, a great friendship and witty dialogue, made for a unique, humorous and intense read.
Although this is book, #9 in the Soul Mate series there is no need to read the previous books in the series to enjoy this installment.  Each book in the series is written by a different author, is based on a different couple, and takes place in a different world but the concept of the soul mate tree remains the same.
If you are in the mood for a short, sweet, sexy and gripping paranormal romance then will love Sweet Sacrifice.
Former Navy SEAL Sebastian “Bash” Lockard died in Afghanistan after leaping on a grenade to save his comrades. Little did he know his act of heroism would grant him a ticket into Heaven’s elite army as one of the few and powerful Archangels. Struggling with his new existence, Bash still retains his human memories, leaving behind a wife he loves with all of his heart. Although he’s forbidden to see her, he can’t resist her lure, or the mortal desires he harbors for her.

As a young widow and nurse, Irene Lockard still mourns her husband two years after his untimely death. His absence is everywhere, and when her best friend weds, she hits an emotional rock bottom. As if summoned from the skies above, Sebastian appears before her, and they share an unforgettable night. But when he once again vanishes, she wonders if she’s truly gone mad with grief.

The only way Sebastian can remain with Irene is if he makes the ultimate sacrifice. But will she overcome her fear of losing him again to another war?

A standalone dark paranormal romance and book nine in The Soul Mate Tree series.

L.D. Rose is a neurotic physician by day, crazed writer by night, and all around wannabe superhero. She writes paranormal romance and urban fantasy, but she’s been known to delve into horror, sci-fi, and medical suspense on occasion. L.D. Rose is a PAN member of the RWA, FF&P, NEC-RWA and CoLoNY. She currently lives in Rhode Island with her studly hubby, her hyperactive boxer, and her two devious cats.

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Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading

