Category: Maddie Wade


Posted on September 17, 2016 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 4 stars, Fortis Security, Maddie Wade, Review, Romantic Suspense, Xpresso Book Tours / 0 Comments

Healing Danger by Maddie Wade

Series: Fortis Security 1

Published by Maddie Wade
Published on: June 10,  2011
Genres: Romantic Suspense
Pages: 247
Format: eBook
Source: Xpresso Book Tours


Dealing with the horrific murder of her best friend is more than enough for school teacher Lauren Cassidy, but now a madman has decided that she needs to die for her part in that death. With her life in danger and her past catching up with her, will she stay alive long enough to trust the one man with her heart, that she has never forgotten.

With the promise to catch a killer and keep Lauren safe, Dane Bennet must now protect her from the evil in her past. A sick cult group with ties to the government and the rich and powerful are determined to use her powers for their own evil gain. Will Dane be able to protect the woman he loves or will he have his chance at happiness snatched away. Dane must use every ounce of his elite special forces training to keep her safe, even if it means breaking her heart.

Determined to stop the evil that threatens the world and avenge the death of a friend, will Lauren and Dane be able to overcome their intense attraction to stop the people determined to end her life and start Armageddon or will their passion blind them?

Have you ever based your decision to read a book solely on the title? That’s what I did for “Healing Danger”.  I was curious to know how these two words fit together. As I delved deeper and deeper into the pages of the book, the connection became very clear. I can’t go into details where this is concerned without giving the story away, so you will have to read it for yourself to see what I am talking about.

Everything about this book was intriguing, from the prologue to the epilogue.  The prologue grabbed my attention and made me want to go further. It set the pace for the remainder of the story. The epilogue made me eager to get my hands on the next book in the series.

“Healing Danger” is the type of story that will keep you glued to the pages and have you on the edge of your seat. It was suspenseful with a bit of a creepy factor.  There was a deranged killer on the loose and added to that was a deadly cult that was trying to recruit persons with special abilities. There was never a dull moment in this book. There were several events in this story, that I never saw coming.
The characters were a treat. I particularly liked how the author highlighted the secondary characters and their possible love connections.  In doing this she whetted my appetite for more of them and I can’t wait to read their stories.  I thought the main characters, Lauren and Dane were a dynamic couple. These two had a history. They had met through mutual friends and developed a friendship.  Eventually their feelings began to move beyond the realms of friendship, however, fear and uncertainty led to them taking different paths. The loss of a dear and mutual friend will see these two reunited. At this point, they will discover that their feelings for each other were as strong as ever. However, as fate would have it, they would encounter obstacles that would put their love to the test.

I found the romance to be hot with a hint of sweetness. I thought that Lauren and Dane 
complemented each other well.  While following them on their journey I came to understand why they both acted the way they did. They had their share of past issues both physical and emotional which at times reared its ugly head. During this time, they would doubt their capacity to love each other. Dane had difficulty believing that he could love Lauren and keep her safe at the same time.  This caused him to behave irrationally at times which led to driving a wedge between them. I was happy to see them able to eventually move past these issues and cease their happiness.

This was my first time reading Maddie Wade’s work and I enjoyed every thrilling moment.  This is the first book in the Fortis Security series.  It is a great start to what I believe will be thrilling and exciting series. I can’t wait to see what next Ms. Wade has in store for her readers.

Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading

