Category: Dirty Billionaire Trilogy


Posted on January 22, 2016 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 3.5 stars, Dirty Billionaire Trilogy, Erotic Romance, Meghan March, Review, RockStar PR / 0 Comments

Dirty Together by Meghan March

Book Three of The Dirty Billionaire Trilogy

Date of Publication: January 12, 2016


Dirty Pleasures

My wife.

I love saying those words.

She’s mine, and if she thinks I’m going to let her run without tracking her down and bringing her back to where she belongs–with me–then she’s about to be introduced to a new reality.

Because I’ll fight dirty to give her the happily ever after she deserves.

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I received a ARC courtesy of Rockstar PR in exchange for an honest review.

When I began this series I never expected to become so invested in it.  By the end of the first book, I was chomping at the bit to read the remainder of the series. By the end of the second book my impatience had grown exponentially. I was eager for more of Holly and Creighton’s story. Dirty Together could not get into my hands fast enough.
This is the final book in the Dirty Billionaire trilogy. It picks up from where the second book left off. Based on this I would strongly advise that you start the series from the beginning. Failure to do so will leave discombobulated.
In this installment, we see Holly returning to her roots.  This is after she ran from Creighton for the second time. Returning home was a last ditch effort to find herself. She believed that she would not be able to function in Creighton’s world with her past hanging over her head. She feared that he would not be able to accept her past.  However, what she failed to see was that Creighton’s love for her was unconditional.  He understands what she needs. He is not willing to let her go as such he drops everything and goes after her.
I was happy to see Holly finally coming to her senses.  She recognises that running away does not solve problems. She needs to face them head on.  When you recognise what’s important you will put all your efforts into preserving it.  This is what Holly did for her marriage. My respect for her grew a notch right there and then.
There were aspects of the story that I felt was overdone.  The author threw in a twist near to the end of the story, which surprised me. It made it clear why Creighton’s uncle treated him with such disregard.  However, the fact that he blames Creighton was plain stupid.  Personally, I did not believe that it added anything to the story. The point at which it was added made it feel like it was an afterthought on the part of the author.  The issue surrounding Creighton’s company was wrapped too quickly, leaving us with a lot of unanswered questions.
Then there was the issue with Creighton’s ex-wife, Annika. This was glossed over, leaving me with even more questions. 
I gave this installment a 3.5-star rating. It would have been more if it were not for the issues mentioned above.  That being said, even though Dirty Together did not live up to my expectations, I still enjoyed the moments spent in Holly’s and Creighton’s world.
3.5 Addictive Stars

About Meghan March

Meghan March is the author of contemporary and erotic romance novels.

Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She’s also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she’s ever had. She loves hearing from her readers at

Find Meghan March Online

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I’ve got a big dick and an even bigger bank account. That’s pretty much where my bio ends.

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Dirty Pleasures: Available Now

I did it. I married a billionaire.

My reasons are my own, but the last thing I expected was to feel owned.

I may have taken vows, but I’m still determined to be me.

Now his rules are taking over my world, but I’m not the kind of girl to just obey.

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