Category: Ava Harrison


Posted on April 10, 2017 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in 2017 new release challenge, 3.5 stars, Ava Harrison, Coming of Age, Give Me Books, New Adult, Review / 0 Comments

Title: Illicit
Author: Ava Harrison
Genre: Coming of Age
Published: April 7, 2017
Publisher: AH Publishing
Format: E-Arc
Pages: 308
Source: Author via Give Me Books
Reading Challenges: 2017 New Release

I was never supposed to see him again.

One night of passion with a complete stranger.

My last tryst before senior year.
But I was lost the moment his tempting lips were on my skin.

His intense touch on my body. It should have ended there. But he’s not a stranger. He’s my history teacher.  And wanting him is against the rules. 
Off limits. Forbidden. Illicit.

If I were to describe this book using one word, it would be interesting. This was not just a story of a student and teacher falling in love with each other; it was also a story of survival and acceptance. Forbidden love stories have always been one of my favourite tropes. I love the thrill, suspense, the fear of getting caught that comes with these stories. Therefore, when I read the blurb, I decided at that moment I needed to read it.

As stated earlier this is a teacher/student romance, but the beauty of this is that there were no moral issues involved. Lyn is an 18-year-old high school senior. She is spending an extra year in school due to her spending a year away from school while travelling Europe with her mother. While at a party, she discovered her boyfriend cheating, which led to her meeting a handsome stranger who would change her life in ways she never expected. The only thing she knew in that moment was that they were two broken and lonely souls who shared both a physical and emotional connection. They made the decision to enjoy their current situation with no expectations of a future together. Therefore, you can imagine the shock when their paths crossed once again but this time in the capacity of student and teacher.

The Story:
The prologue set the pace for the rest of the story. It pulled me in and had me craving for more.

I’ve stopped wishing for extraordinary. I’ve stopped wishing for that one moment so profound it will change everything. I know it will never happen, so there’s no point in dreaming.   But like all things in life, extraordinary happens when you least expect it, and in the blink of an eye, everything can change.

Who wouldn’t want more after reading those words?

This complex, emotional and passionate story had ups, downs, twists and turns that made me feel as if I were on a roller coaster ride. The range of emotions experienced as the progressed was profound. The themes of friendship, family, healing, coming of age, finding purpose and fulfilling dreams all came together to produce a beautiful story.

The Characters
Carson and Lyn both had issues that played a role in how they related to each other. I loved them both, but I must admit that sometimes I felt (if it was at all possible) to knock sense into them. I understood how conflicted Carson was about their feelings for Lyn, however; I did not agree with the manner in which he dealt with the situation. I thought the author did a good job in her portrayal of Carson. I enjoyed discovering what made him tick.

Initially, Lyn’s actions did not endear me to her. She lacked the maturity for an adult relationship, which her behaviour reflected. She is overly dramatic. It did not help that she has issues with her parents. As the story progressed, we see how much she has changed from a selfish and weak person to a strong and caring individual.

Lyn’s mom and ex-boyfriend, Matt were not likeable characters. Her mom is a piece of work who needs lessons in what it means to be a mother. Matt is a douche, which I had established at the outset and reaffirmed as the story progressed.

The Romance
Relationships/romances that are forbidden can never progress smoothly as Lyn and Carson would discover. There were hills, valleys, and bumps that came in various forms, but through it, all their love for each shined through.

Although I enjoyed the story, it was not perfect. There were moments when I felt disconnected from the story, due to the unnecessary and at times over the top drama. Fortunately, it did not detract from my enjoyment of the story. Overall, this was a well-written story, one I recommend for fans of angsty teacher/ student romance.

Author Bio
Ava Harrison is a New Yorker, born and bred.

When she’s not journaling her life, you can find her window shopping, cooking dinner for her family, or curled up on her couch reading a book.

Author Links
Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading

