Month: March 2017


Posted on March 31, 2017 by Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading in Reviews / 12 Comments

Hello, Friday bloggers and fellow bookworms.

BookBeginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader, and The Friday 56 – hosted by Freda’s Voice are the hosting sites for the Friday link ups, where we discover more books, and make friends. Both involve sharing excerpts from a current book – the beginning and – you guessed it – page 56

My Book Beginnings:
Today I decided to post my book beginnings and Friday 56 on two books. They are Normal by Danielle Pearl, which  I have recently finished and IN Pursuit by John W. Mefford which, I am currently reading.

IT’S THE KIND of situation most people would dread. Starting at a new high school, in the middle of my senior year, in a new town, in a new state. I know no one. No one knows me. That’s what I’m counting on.

A swirling funnel of dirt and debris smacked Eileen Tadlock in the face— she nearly dropped her phone. Raising a hand to block the dust, she peered out the far end of the parking garage. Angry skies boiled like a cauldron, with fists of gray clouds emitting grumbles of thunder. An early spring thunderstorm was about to unleash its fury on San Antonio. A transplant from Pocatello, Idaho, Eileen had heard stories ever since she moved to Texas a couple of months back: beware of the spring storms.

I turn and try to run away, but Robin catches me under the bleachers. Somehow, all the fans, all the other players and coaches, are too distracted to hear my cries for help. Fans stand just overhead, on the bleachers cheering, but no one looks down. No one sees that just below their feet, Robin has me pinned to the ground.
IN Pursuit
“I know you’re hungry, Bobby, but you need to calm down. You’re getting ready to feel ecstasy and agony in the period of about ten minutes.”

What are these books about

It’s the kind of situation most people would dread. Starting at a new high school, in the middle of my senior year, in a new town, in a new state. I know no one. No one knows me. That’s what I’m counting on.

A year ago, Aurora “Rory” Pine was just a normal teenage girl – just as sweet and naive as the fairy tale princess she was named after.

But this isn’t a year ago.

Rory is broken, and now suffering from a debilitating anxiety disorder, wrought with precarious triggers, she moves across the country to escape the source of her troubles. Her plan is anonymity, but that’s easier said than achieved for the new girl having a panic episode outside of calculus. The worst part? There’s a witness – and a gorgeous one at that.

Sam is a walking trigger for Rory. Incredibly handsome, built like the star athlete he obviously is, and undoubtedly popular, Sam outwardly represents everything Rory despises about high school. But as the fates keep throwing them together, a connection sparks that neither ever expected, and certainly couldn’t ignore.

But Sam has issues too, and Rory’s past won’t just stay in the damned past. When friendship evolves into something deeper, can a girl utterly destroyed by the worst kind of betrayal and a boy battling demons of his own ever have a normal relationship? Is that even what they want? Find out in NORMAL, a gritty story of trust and abuse, heartbreak and salvation, and if they’re lucky – love. This is not a flowery romance – not for the faint of heart.

The hunt is on…but who’s the one being pursued? 

A serial killer is terrorizing San Antonio, and the method of murder is beyond macabre. As Ivy Nash is pulled into the case by her police detective friend, Stan, there appears to be one intersecting point between the victims—Ivy herself. 

Meanwhile, Ivy and her new organization, ECHO, take on a case for a run-away teen whose parents have disappeared. Was it self-imposed, or is something more nefarious going on? 

Moving at a break-neck pace, the parallel trails to stop the killer and to find the missing parents seem both murky and crystal clear. But just as Ivy believes the end is near, past connections are slammed in her face—and nothing will be the same. 

A man wants retribution. And he’ll do anything to ensure Ivy suffers.
Nadene @ Totally Addicted to Reading

